Monday, October 13, 2014

October 14th - 17th

Hello Families,

I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend, and a chance to enjoy the beautiful fall weather. A belated Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

This week, being a short week, is light on homework, but there are lessons and practice students should do:

Pages in JUMP and photocopies in the duotang relate to our unit on Prime and Composite Numbers. Students should learn to differentiate the two, find multiples of a number, common multiples, and common factors. The unit will end with the understanding of Prime Factorizations of large numbers.

Students should also be using the Reflex Math app a minimum of 3 times per week (once a week in class).

Social Studies
There will be a short quiz next week on sectors of the Quebec economy around 1980. Students should revise Adventure One, and study class notes, including the in-process questions begun this week.

This week we will have a reading comprehension quiz on a text treated last week in class (a photocopy can be found in your child's purple notebook). Students generated comprehension questions in teams, and these questions will form the basis of the quiz this Friday.

RAZ-Kids, or Reading A to Z: Each student is to complete 2 books at their reading level and 2 quizzes each week. Some students have not logged in for more than 10 days - you will be receiving a note in the agenda if this is your child. This levelled practice provides vocabulary content that is especially important to second-language learners and must not be skipped.

Paperwork and Special Events

Wednesday is the Cross Country Run at AGRHS. Students who are attending need to dress in layers and bring a lunch, snacks and a water bottle. Best of luck to all runners!
Students who are not going on this outing still have school, and arrangements have been made for them to have extra Phys Ed on Wednesday, and they will have lessons with other teachers as I am needed to accompany the runners with Martin.

The Interim Report went home last Friday and needs to be signed and brought back to school.

Scholastic Orders are due this Thursday - students can order with  their pocket money, cheques are not necessary.

The Ferme des Voltigeurs Fundraiser is on, and we are counting on your support. Products ordered by October 22nd will be delivered on Parents's Night, November 19th.

Have a lovely week, 
Kathy Napier

Monday, October 6, 2014

October 6th -10th

Hello Families,

This week there are few written assignments, but several reading and data collection assignments. Please ask you child to show you what they have done, please listen to them read from their Social Studies if you can, and please help your child keep you up to date on paperwork and administrative papers that need to come back to school.

This month I have to be absent from the class on several occasions to give and receive training. These opportunities help me bring new ideas to the classroom and improve student learning, and it is necessary for me to have a substitute teacher on these days. Please know that I work to make sure the students have rich learning activities when I am not here, and though I am absent often in October, the days out will be less frequent as the year progresses.

Have a wonderful week,
Kathy Napier

Error Analysis for last week's Numeration Quiz. Parents need to sign the quiz and the corrections.
New Unit: Factors, Multiples, Prime and Composite Numbers

Social Sciences:
Read Adventure 1 for Thursday ( assigned last Thursday)

2 RAZ Kids books and quizzes done for Friday (if you have no Internet connection form home, your child can bring home print A-Z books instead).

Continue to use your ipad to collect photos of different types of clouds

* School Fundraising has begun! Please look for the large Envelope in your youngest child's bag.
* Students going to the Cross-Country Run at AGRHS must bring back the permission form
* Scholastic Orders due October 16th
* Trick-or Treat form for Halloween Collection boxes due back at school as soon as possible
* Christmas Show permission slip to return to school by Friday (external deadline we must respect)

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

September 29th - October 3rd

Hello Families,

My apologies for posting later in the week this time - technology problems!

This week's homework:

Work in JUMP with dollar and cent notation as well as review of Numeration for a short test late this week.
Note: the colours used for subjects in this post match the colour of the subject duotang for your child.

Revised to Add Information about the Quiz this Friday:
Expanded Form JUMP pages 38-39
Reading and Writing Large Numbers p. 35
Regrouping p. 47-54
Rounding, Estimating, class notes 
Ordering and comparing decimals p.40-44

Language Arts:
Preparation for a descriptive writing activity; take a photo of your bedroom with your iPad; download Thinglink

Social Sciences:
Using the Places in Time text, students will complete the accompanying worksheet on the natural resources found in each administrative region of Quebec. This work was begun in class. Due Thursday.

Practice the lines for your Greek Myth Radio Play. Use Garageband on the iPad to record yourself and work on your expression and fluency.

*A revised copy of the Standards and Proceedures was sent home Tuesday
*A school newsletter was sent home with the youngest of each family, also on Tuesday
*Please sign and return the Highlights and Owl forms (these forms give our class magazine subscriptions, even when no parents place orders).
*Scholastic Book clubs will come home this week. Families can place orders with cash as well as by cheque.

Have a wonderful week!
Kathy Napier