Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wednesday, December 15th

Hello Families,

I know the homework has been heavy the last few days, but it will lighten and the students will only need to read and practice multiplication over the holiday.

For the rest of this week, please keep in mind the History Test tomorrow (Thursday), as well as the class fundraiser. I need to have families send in the money for the cards so that I can send them out.

Thank you for your help and continued support,
Kathy Napier

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November 28th-December 3rd

Math: We are on to our first unit on Decimals! One page of homework per night, with review by mom or dad, if possible. This is a tricky one!

Social Sciences/ELA: Read pages 16 and 17 and answer the questions on page 17 for Wednesday
Read pages 18 to 20 for Thursday.
The end of this unit is approaching. Begin to prepare for a TEST soon!

Scholastic due December 6th so that we can have the book by Christmas!

Have a great week,
Ms Napier

Monday, November 22, 2010

Homework for the (short) week of November 22nd

Hello Families,

This morning the CSSS Nurse assigned to our school gave grade five a short first aid course. If you have a look at the booklet your child will be bringing home today you will get an idea of what they learned.

As a result of this course, we did not have a math class today. The only homework for tonight is to write a short (short=1 page double spaced) text about a time the student injured themselves. This will be due tomorrow in class.

Math problem solving will come home tomorrow, and the only homework for the long weekend will be to read.

Please remember that Parents' Night it Wednesday. Your interview time will be sent home from the school secretary, who coordinates the interview schedule. I look forward to seeing you and having the chance to discuss your child's progress!

Have a wonderful week,
Kathy Napier

Monday, November 8, 2010

November 8th-12th

ELA: Complete the timeline on page 4 of the newspaper "Canada Remembers Times"
Do corrections on previous ELA homework (in blue duotang)
Read in your A-Z book as well as your self-chosen novel

Math: Continuing with multiplication, pages in Jump or photocopies each night this week.
Class average on last week's test: 76% - test to be signed by a parent
Second short quiz this Thursday

Social Sciences: Test on major changes to Canadian society and territory between 1745
and 1820 this Thursday. Study Places in time (Adventure 2), class notes and
activities. Pay attention to the changes that came after the Conquest and the
Loyalist immigration north, as well as what the Loyalists wanted once they came
to Canada.

Have a great week!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

November 2-5th

Math - the beginning of our unit on MULTIPLICATION (we need to know up to three by two digit multiplication); first quiz to assess student understanding this Friday.

Social Studies - winding up our unit on changes between 1745 and 1820, it is time to review the effects of the Conquest, the Loyalist migration north, and the introduction of the parliamentary system in Canada. Extra classes this week (we are slightly behind where I would like to be), so language arts homework will focus on reading the text and completing graphic organizers and study sheets.

Language Arts - Read, of course!

Have a wonderful week, and rest up tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

October 25th-29th

Math: One page Monday and Wednesday
Problem-solving Tuesday and Thursday
Targeted Strategy: Guess and Test

ELA: "Trick or Treat" article and accompanying questions.

Social Studies: "Who were the Loyalists" read text and answer questions.

Other notes:
Soccer Tournament Tuesday
Pizza Lunch Wednesday
Hallowe'en Celebration Friday: Wacky Hair, Wacky hats, dress in Orange and Black
and the presentation of Scaryside Academy.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

October 18-22

Hello Families,

This week we are adding a little bit of Social Science to the homework - one-half page of reading with a question or two to better learn the content we have to to cover this term, due Thursday.

Math: 2 pages Monday, 2 pages Tuesday (revision of subtraction, estimation and rounding)
1 page Wednesday and Thursday

Grammar: Due Thursday-one sheet entitled "My Trip to Aunt Betty's" - possessive 's practice

A-Z Reading (as always, evaluations continue this week)

Independent reading (for fun, self-chosen book)

ERC - Finish Storyboards

Have a wonderful week!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

October 13th

Please forgive me for not posting yesterday - I am still not fully recovered and went home with a smashing migraine.

Homework for this week:

Tuesday Page 59
Wednesday review pages 32, 49-53, 59, 100-103 In JUMP math in preparation for the test Thursday ---Test!

Reading A-Z
Monster Character Description

Monday, September 27, 2010

September 27th - October 1st


Monday night: review concepts in the first unit. JUMP and duotang will be coming home to allow students to review.

Tuesday: unit test

Wednesday and Thursday: 1 page of math homework


text: "Being a Firefighter is more than just putting out fires" due Wednesday (contest date is October 1st and I need time to correct the texts.) If your child wants to participate in the city-wide contest, they must also bring back the permission form.

Reading: A-Z and independent reading

Corrections: grammar sheets in blue duotangs to be corrected.

Monday, September 20, 2010

September 20th to the 24th

Jump math 1 to 2 pages per night (Number Sense)
Math test soon!

A-Z Reading
Grammar Sheet Due Thursday


Curriculum Night paperwork goes home to families not able to be present
ibook paperwork to be signed and returned to school
Scholastic Orders due September 30th

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

September 13-16th

One page of math per night
A-Z Homereading

Curriculum Night is Wednesday

Friday is a pedagogical day

Have a great week!

Monday, September 6, 2010

September 7th-10th

Homework for the week

MATH Tuesday through Thursday ~ 2 JUMP math pages per night
ELA Read every day (either in self-chosen book or A-Z Book)
Composition "My Favorite Place" ( no longer than 1 page, double spaced) due Friday

Have a wonderful week!

Monday, May 31, 2010

June 1 Homework

Study for Micmac and Inuit Test!

Finish books borrowed from the class library

Bring back permission slips for Frontier Lodge

Bring back permission slips for GreenApple and MELS

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Monday, April 26, 2010

April 26th-30th

Math: 2 pages of math Monday, one each other night, test willcome home to be signed later in the week.

work on math dictionary

ELA: Text due Thursday (told from the dentist's point of view)
A-Z reading (yes, I mean you!)
Drama text due next Friday
Literature circle work due Thursday

Bring back permission for and high school registration form

Enjoy the week!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday, April 19th

Hello Families,

This week's homework includes:

*1 page of math per night, revising geometry for a quiz later in the week.
*A-Z reading, please change your books often and read everyday
*Literature Circle work: complete the questions and glossary work for Friday
* Social Studies: read pages 28-33 in Places in Time

*Writing: a text more than 1 page and not more than 1 and one-half pages about a trip to the dentist. Final text must include 1) a description of the setting 2) some dialogue (please not all dialogue) and 3) the main character's emotional response to the dialogue and the action. Due Thursday.

Have a wonderful week!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Homework: April 12-16th

MATH: we are studying co-ordinate geometry. A page (or 2) on JUMP will be assigned every night.

DRAMA: MONOLOGUES to be performed Monday and Tuesday

ELA: Reading A-Z
Bring back Lit Circles books for Monday and Friday, new reading goal to be set.
* you need at least 5 questions (2 factual, 3 opinion)
* you need 5 glossary words with the definition
Writing: creative writing assignment due Friday, writing a dialogue with an emotional response.

*please bring in $ and permission slip for the Sugar Shack Lunch

Have a great week!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

West Side Story - 'America'

Text Response

Puerto Rico
My heart's devotion
Let it sink back in the ocean
Always the hurricanes blowing
Always the population growing
And the money owing
And the sunlight streaming
And the natives steaming
I like the island Manhattan
Smoke on your pipe
And put that in!

I like to be in America
Okay by me in America
Everything free in America

For a small fee in America

Buying on credit is so nice

One look at us and they charge twice

I have my own washing machine

What will you have though to keep clean?

Skyscrapers bloom in America

Cadillacs zoom in America

Industry boom in America

Twelve in a room in America

Lots of new housing with more space

Lots of doors slaming in our face

I'll get a terrace apartment

Better get rid of your accent

Life can be bright in America

If you can fight in America

Life is all right in America

If you're all white in America

Here you are free and you have pride

Long as you stay on your own side

Free to be anything you choose

Free to wait tables and shine shoes

Everywhere grime in America
Organized crime in America
Terrible time in America

You forget I'm in America

I think I'll go back to San Juan

I know a boat you can get on

Everyone there will give big cheer!

Everyone there will have moved here!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March 9th-12th

Concepts in Math: Perimeter and Area, pages of homework in JUMP Math

Music: Duets (purple papers in yellow duotang)

Creative Writing: Prewrite for the "Olympian" story

Social Studies: have test signed and corrections done on loose-leaf

Reading: A-Z book (Wednesday to Friday)