Thursday, February 26, 2015

March Sprouts

Hello Families,

On March 13th we will be welcoming Caroline Couture to the class for a special project on sprouts and their heath benefits. Madison's mom has offered her time and expertise, as well as the materials needed, to help students grow their own sprouts.

Students will need to bring to school a small, square, shallow container in which to grow their sprouts. (see photo). We'll need this container for the Friday of the week we come back from the break.

Have a wonderful March Break, and I hope to see everyone in good health when school restarts!
Kathy Napier

Monday, February 23, 2015

February 23rd- 27th

Hello Families,

In this last week before Spring Break there are many students absent with various viruses including a virulent strain of gastroenteritis. Please keep ill children home to prevent the spread of these infections.

This week is full of wonderful activities.

Today students saw the Geordie Production "Game Changers." Geordie is a Montreal-based theatre troupe that offers traveling productions for schools. Ask you child about what they saw and whatthey thought of the play.

Tuesday we have a Basketball Tournament at A.D.S. Elementary. Students need to bring a lunchbox, water bottle, and gym clothes. It is always a really fun day, with the emphasis on participation and teamwork - there is a place for everyone, even those students who don't feel gifted players.

Thursday students will need to be prepared to discuss their Literature Circle book with their team.
We will also have a short math quiz on relating Ratios, Percents, and Fractions.

Friday we are scheduled to have our Plaisirs d'Hiver activities. Due to the Jeux du Quebec taking place this coming weekend, we will no longer be able to ski. Students will need to bring skates and helmet (bicycle helmuts, hockey or ski helmets are all fine) - we will be skating and playing broomball in the morning, and will be playing Katag and other games in the afternoon.

I hope that your family has the opportunity over the March Break to be outdoors and to enjoy time together. I hope to see you all in good health in March!

Kathy Napier

Monday, February 9, 2015

February 9th - 13th

Hello Families,

This week I am excited to be attending a two-day conference in Laval on the work of a researcher from New Zealand - I hope to bring back many new ideas about how best to help your child learn!

This week we begin a new term - report cards will be coming home next week. Though there is no Parent Night in term two, I am available if you have questions or concerns about your child's progress, and I look forward to seeing you in March for Portfolio Night -it  will be our first experience presenting Digital Portfolios and the students have been working hard.

This week, there will be lessons and practice in several subjects:

ELA: Your child should be reading from RAZ Kids or changing their home-reading regularly. As well, we have begun Literature Circles, and you child has (or shortly will have) a book to read from at home and the task of writing discussion questions and collecting interesting words in a shared Google document. Please make they bring the book back on days we're working together.

Math: we are continuing our study of fractions and doing more work with longer word problems. Your child will have work to do each night and is asked to practice their calculation using Reflex math.

Social Sciences: last week's test will come home to be signed. The new module will be short and include classwork on the Voices! audio and video your child is in the process of creating.

Science: we will begin a mini-unit on energy from plants shortly  - as well as a unit on other energy sources. It should be interesting - ask your child to tell you about what we're learning!

Have a wonderful week!