Monday, February 24, 2014

February 24th-February 28th

Last week before Spring Break, and a big week for us all!

*CSSS Nurses visit to complete the puberty lectures this Monday afternoon
*Bus Safety presentation on Tuesday morning
*Basketball Tournament at ADS on Wednesday, all day
*Hawaiian Day on Friday
*Geordie Productions traveling dramatic production "Derwent is Different" presented on Friday

This week we continue our work with geometry, reviewing concepts from cycle 2 and last year.
Pages will be assigned in JUMP math and work will be done on the ipad as well.

Tonight, please put your questions about geometry on the wall using this link:

ELA/Social science
Please sign and return the test given back last week.
Our new unit on the modern lives of the Inuit and Mic Mac will begin this week. Students will receive their new text Tuesday and will be asked to read Adventure 1.

Homereading books should be changed so students have a fresh novel to read during the break.

Have a wonderful week, and I hope that you can enjoy time together during March Break.

Kathy Napier

Monday, February 17, 2014

February 17th-21st

Hello Families,

This week students have homework in our new unit, Geometry, and in Language Arts.
The language arts assignment is described below.

Additionally, it is strongly recommended that students use Reflex and RAZ Kids to practice their fluency and comprehension.

Have a wonderful week!
Kathy Napier

Language Arts
Thinglink due to be posted to the students' Kidblog account for Wednesday
Poplet Vocabulary work: using Popplet, students will make a concpet web using vocabulary relating to a room in their home. This web will be shared and used for a writing assignment later in the week. Due Wednesday.

Using the Sochi 2014 app, newspapers and/or television, write a text  on Pages talking about an Olympic story that illustrates an Olympic Value. Add photos (with credit) as well as the sources of your information.
The Olympic Values are Leadership, Fairness, Human Development, Excellent, Respect, Fun, and Peace. Students have  until Friday to complete this assignment, and additional time and instruction will be given in class.

Monday, February 3, 2014

February 3rd-6th

Hello Families, 

This week is short and busy, and as a result there is none of the usual homework. Students can and should read daily, and I ask that they use the Reflex Math site three times this week.

Students should study their Social Sciences for a quiz coming soon on Quebec circa 1980. The material covered is mainly in Adventure 1, though students should study class notes for topics discussed but not covered in the text.

Special events this week:

Wednesday: Science Fair from 9:15 to 11:25, parents are welcome to come and see the exhibits

Thursday: Plaisirs d'hiver

Friday: Pedagogical Day

Have a wonderful week!
Kathy Napier