Thursday, April 20, 2017

Exams and June Activities

Hello Families,

I would like to let you know about some important dates as we approach the end of the school year:

April 23 - FSL Exam begins

May 15th - ELA exam begins

June 6th - End of Year trip to Quebec City

June 12-16th -Math Exam

June 21st  at 1 pm  - Graduation Ceremony 

We're looking forward to a busy but productive two months, and in order to help your child be as well-prepared as possible, you can help with the following:
-review and sign all tests that come home
-ask your child to see what they are studying in math, and have them explain what they've learned
-continue to supervise their RAZ Kids and Reflex Math practice
-ensure your child gets enough sleep (they are growing awfully fast!)
-send a water bottle and an extra snack to school
-avoid absences if at all possible

Thank you for your help in making this time of year go as smoothly as possible for your child.

Warm regards,
Kathy Napier