Monday, April 23, 2012

April 23-26th

Please remember that this Friday is a Pedagogical Day

Memos and Notes:

An information letter about the ministry exams from both Mme Lucie and me was sent home Monday. Please sign and return it to let us know you read this very important infomation.

The CSSS nurse will be with us Tuesday afternoon. 
An information letter was brought to me today and sent home to you in the agenda.

The Bake Sale letter was sent home last week and the sale will take place Thursday morning. 
Thank you to those who plan to participate - the profits will be used to bring down the cost of the end of year trip for your children.

Math: Current unit on Data management includes homework on mean, median and mode. Please review these concepts with your child as they are a little tricky. Homework will also include practice with skills and strategies in preparation for the exam.

ELA: Read. Please.
Special note: some students must redo last week's reading comprehension due to poor grammar, punctuation, and lack of full and complete sentences. Please review your child's work to ensure that their work represents their best effort.

Social Science: The focus of the current unit is the major changes Quebec underwent between 1905 and 1980. The fascinating topic will require a great deal of reading in Places In Time. Interested parents can read the text and help their child learn about such topics as the fascinating development of hydroelectric dams and their importance to the development of Quebec. Critical readers  will notice that this topic receives more attention than unionization or the development of major social programs.

Have a wonderful week!

Monday, April 16, 2012

April 16th - 20th

Tuesday: Visit to the Montreal Fine Arts Museum
              LATE RETURN - please arrange to pick your child at school at 4pm. If your child is being picked up by anyone other than a parent, a note must be sent to school.
              Bring a lunch, a water bottle, and a quiet voice.

Thursday: Career Fair in Lennoxville
                 Bring a lunch!

ELA: Museetiquette page for Tuesday morning

          Reading Comprehension due Friday

Math: JUMP pages 124-125 for Wednesday, other pages to follow Wednesday and Thursday

Science: remplir la fiche de suivi pour vendredi

Social Science: Read pages 4-9 in the new text for Thursday

Bake Sale paper will go home this week - thank you for your collaboration!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

April 11 - 13th 2012

Math: pages on graphing in the green doutang

Language Arts:  poem response organizer, given last week, due Thursday

Social Science: Sign and return test and newspaper project

Science: finish the food guide for Friday

Please return the permission forms for the Career Fair and the Art Museum as soon as possible.

Scholastic due Friday.

Friday is Ms Holliday's last day.

Important dates for April, May and June are listed on the class blog.

Have a wonderful week!