Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December 12-16th

Please let me know if you child has a scheduled absence, such as for a sports event.

Math: 2 short geography quizes this week. Practice sheets will be going home on different nights.
The class average on the first quiz (Tuesday) was 85.5%

Language Arts: Reading comprehension sheet due Thursday

ERC: read the sheets on Hanukka and Advent for Wednesday

Social Sciences Quiz Thursday on Immigration to Western Canada c. 1905
       Christmas baskets are being filled for families in our school who are in need. Please consider donating, and if you would like a basket this year, please contact the office at 819 474-8563

Have a wonderful week!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Dec 7-9th

Math: we continue our work on geometry with the surface area of prisms, pyramids and soon, cylinders! Checking your child's calculations can help them improve.

Language arts: reading comprehension questions due Thursday
                        reading A-Z to be changed as soon as the child has read their book.

Music: Practice the songs for the concert

Social Science test on Immigration to Western Canada next week. Study early, study often.

Winter Concert December 22nd at 1 pm. We hope you can be there!


Monday, November 28, 2011

November 28th- December 2nd

Please remember to pick up your fundraising items this Thursday at school.

English Language Arts: Reading Comprehension Sheets and Synonym Crossword Puzzle due Thursday
                                       A-Z levelled reading due Monday

Math: This week we will be working on Surface Areas of regular solids. One sheet will come home per night, and last week's secnd quiz is to be signed and returned for tomorrow.

Science: Moon Sheet

Music: Practice songs for the Winter Concert

Scholastic orders due Wednesday

Have a wonderful week!

Monday, November 21, 2011

November 21st-24th

Welcome to our student teacher, Ms Holliday!

Math: 1 page per night Monday and Wednesday, test Tuesday

ELA: Reading Comprehension text and questions
          Reading A to Z, the book brought home should be read for Monday
          Please continue reading the self-chosen novel already at home.

Science: correct test and have it signed for Wednesday

Cycle 1 Bake Sale Wednesday

Pedagogical Day Friday.

Please note the new video bar on the left. You can click on the links to see videos my daughter made and get an idea of how we may be sharing and creating media. Students will be filming and posting short learning videos to help them revise and study. Have a look at how the widget works, and watch for new content!

Have a wonderful week!

Monday, November 14, 2011

November 14th-18th

Hello Families,

This week, please remember that Parents' Night will take place on Wednesday from 3 to 8. Appointment slips were sent home with your child Monday. I look forward to seeing you all!

This week:

Math every night: circumference an area of a circle, volume of cylinders, quiz Thursday on the geometry studied to date.

Language Arts: reading comprehension sheet on the Occupy Protests due Thursday

Music: original score for the recorder ( six measures of four beats each) to be composed, the composer must be able to play their score!

Science: sign test and complete the page on the moon.

Ped Day Friday

Wednesday we will follow a Friday schedule (therefore students will need their gym clothes).

Have a wonderful week!

Monday, November 7, 2011

November 5th-11th

The students will participate in a Remembrance Day assembly this Friday between 10:35 and 11:35

1) Read the newspaper "Canada Remembers" and complete the crossword given separately (blue duotang). All answers are in the newspaper.
2) return homereading books so they can be changed

ERC: Look for interesting advertising for the introduction to our study of types of judgments

Music: Compose a musical score of at least 6 measures using the notes and note values we have studied in class (G A B, quarter note, half note, whole, note, dotted half note). Due Thursday, November 17th

Math: Study of Area and Surface Area. This week we will be practicing calculating the area of triangles and circles, and the surface area of cylinders, prisms, and pyramids. Homework will practice this material.
Please help your child understand the importance of labeling their diagrams and using the formulas.

Social Science: read pages 32-36 in Places in Time

Please remember that the Fundraising Campaign paperwork needs to come back to school this Wednesday. Thank you for participating.

Have a wonderful week!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November 1st-4th

Math: Our new unit on Geometry is starting. Please continue to help your child with multiplication and division as these skills will be used often as they learn to calculate with new formulas.

JUMP math homework will be sent home each night.

Language Arts: new focus on figurative language. Two sides of a sheet practicing similes due Friday.
                          Please supervise your child's reading.

Music: Students will have two weeks to compose an originial score with the notes G A B. This assignment will be given later in the week.

Science: Students are to bring a article of woolen clothing to school for Friday's class.

Drama: This term, students will have to work in a term to write a short script. More to follow!

Please help our school with the 
Ferme des Voltiguers Fundraising Campaign - 
we all benefit from the proceeds!

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Week of October 24th

Pedagogical Day Friday
Wednesday we will follow a Friday schedule

Math: evaluation in problem solving takes place this week

At home, please help your child practice multiplication (3 digits by 2 digits) and long division (3 digit dividend, 2 digit divisor). There are good, self-correcting websites listed on the class blog.

Science: Test Thursday on pages 47-62 in the text (students were informed about this last Friday, some chose to bring their books home for the weekend).

ELA: second drafts or good copies of texts due Wednesday (Essay on responsibility; Media Response on Western Immigrations advertisements; personal narrative of the student's choice).

ERC: oral presentations this week.

Please help your child remember to bring back the all tests signed by a parent.

Have a lovely week!

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Week of October 17th

Due to the Soccer Tournament taking place on Friday, some assignments will need to be completed at home for next week.

Math: parent's sign test, corrections due Wednesday
          Part two of the test Wednesday
          Homework in JUMP Math

ERC: Prepare oral report on skills and jobs (assignment and notes in black duotang). Presentations will take place in the week of October 24th. Be ready,  no extensions will be given!

Music: test October 24th on music theory studied to date,  and individual playing test that same week.

Science: pages 61-62 due for Thursday

Personal Narrative: self-edited second copy due next Monday (will be worked on in class Wednesday)

Media Response: clean copy due October 26th (will be worked on in class Wednesday and/or Thursday)

Read, read, read, and read. Have you changed your book lately?

Please note that the colours used above correlate to the colour of the duotang in which the work is found.

For the Soccer Tournament please dress your child in layers of clothing marked with their name, and please provide a plastic bag in which they can put muddy items. Students will need a lunch, water bottle and snacks. School bags with work can stay home that day.

Have a lovely week!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Week of October 11th

Social Sciences: Test this Thursday on "Adventure 1" in Places in Time. This will include the geography of Western Canada (climate, vegetation, terrain), the location of all provinces of Canada on a map, and the connection between the geography of a territory and the economy of that region. Students should study the sheets in their duotangs as well as the text.

Math: Test this Friday on multiplication, division, and factorization. Review questions will include addition, subtraction, area and perimeter, and some simple fractions. Nightly homework will help students prepare for this test.

Music: continue to practice the three songs for G A B, and practice reading music (recognizing whole, half and quarter notes, reading line notes and space notes, and placing notes on the staff)

Reading: students should be reading every night, yet most students have not changed their book since the beginning of the year. Please supervise your child's reading. It is the only way for them to improve.

Have a lovely week!

Monday, October 3, 2011

October 3rd to October 7th

Progress Reports will be coming home today. 
Please sign it and returned it to school.

Science: Couvrir le manuel, completer page 57 #2 pour jeudi

Math: Factors, Prime and Composite numbers, Multiplication, Area and Volume review. 2 pages per night

Social Science: reading comprehension questions on sheet in duotang (both sides, please), along with corrections to last week's work. Due Thursday.

Reading Comprehension: corrections to "Somalia' paper due Friday

         Music Theory, pages  "Whole Notes and Rests," "Half Notes and Rests," study and learn line notes on the staff (E, G, B, D, F).
         Music practice, continue practicing the songs for notes G, A, and B

Have a wonderful week, and Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Week of September 26th

Wednesday is Picture Day! Please remember that your child cannot wear green for the photo.

Math: 2 pages per day on Multiplication and Division

Social Studies:
   read pages 14 - 19 in Places in Time
   Complete the 'Compass rose' Questions on page 15
   Complete page 64 in the duotang, entitled "West Coast"

Music: practice the first 3 songs in the duotang, using notes G-A -B and with the correct note lengths.

Have a wonderful week!

Monday, September 19, 2011

September 19th, 2011

Hello Families!

Math: mini-unit on coins and money
           pages 94-96 Monday, and two pages of homework Tuesday and Wednesday

Social Sciences: read pages 10-13 for Thursday

Reading Comprehension: Correct "9/11" answers
                                          Complete "Struggle for Survival in Somalia" for Thursday

Homereading: make sure to read each evening (even the weekend)

Friday is a Pedagogical Day!

Over the long weekend, please practice long division with your child. You can use sites on the class blog or work on paper, but each student should be comfortable with this operation as it is used often in cycle three and beyond.

Have a lovely week!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday, September 12th, 2011

Math:   JUMP math pages: 2 Monday, 2 Tuesday, 2 Thursday
            TEST THIS WEDNESDAY on Number Sense
            Math test from last Friday to be signed and returned, corrections done in exercise book

Language Arts:  Complete or Redo the "9/11" reading comprehension sheet.
                          Some parents will need to sign to show that they are aware of the quality of work being submitted.

Homereading every night (some students stillhave to produce the book borrowed last year and not returned to Ms Portfors).

Social Sciences: Read Places in Time pages 6 to 9 and complete the "Eagle Eye" questions asked in the text.

Curriculum Night is this Thursday from 6 to 7, followed by the General Assembly. Please plan on attending if you can, as there is important information on changes to the report cards that I will be sharing with parents.

Have a wonderful week!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

September 7th, 2011

This week students will have math homework each night as well as a comprehension sheet to accompany the text "9/11."

Most students have brought home a new home-reading book. It is still the expectation that students will read in English every day.

Several students had not brought back last year's homereading book. If your child did not bring home a book today, please help your child find their book so that they may borrow a new one.

Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

January 24th - 28th

This week we will have a short quiz on Area and Perimeter to determine how students are assimilating the material. Please have your child review these formulas, as well as the metric system, early this week.
JUMP math pages will be sent for homework.

Book reports will come home to be corrected and returned on Wednesday. Please review these corrections with your child (content and mechanics need to be fixed).

Please have your child read to you from his or her A-Z book this week, and change their book at least twice.

Have a great week!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

January 17th-21st

This week your child was expected to have handed in their book report Monday morning.
Those three students who did not will need to make special arrangements to get them done.

Math: the pages for each night have the date inscribed on the top. In the green duotang, it is the teacher made word problems, in Jump Math we are continuing on from page 263.

Language Arts:
Grammar ~ corrections to last week's sheet, new sheet due Thursday (both sides)
Reading A-Z ~ please change the book frequently
Independent Reading ~ books will need to be changed this week since everyone is to have finished their book to complete their book report
Show and Tell ~ and exceptional activity for grade 5, this Friday one hour will be set aside for things the students wish to share. Not all students need participate

Music: Song assigned by Mrs. Mackey

Our school board and our school in particular, is the subject of a research project on the use of laptop computers in the classroom being undertaken by the Universite de Montreal. Students have brought home permission slips to be signed indicating whether you allow them to participate (they may be filmed working or be interviewed). Please return these permission slips as soon as possible.

Have a wonderful week!

Monday, January 10, 2011

January 10th - 14th

Hello Families,

This week students need to complete:

-2 pages of math per night (measurement and metric conversions, not so many examples per page) in the JUMP workbook

-Both sides of the synonyms worksheet sent home today (should be in the blue duotang, but not all blue duotangs made it to school today. Ahem)

-Their book report is due Monday, January 17th (red duotang)

-Social Sciences reading will be assigned later in the week.

Have a good week!
Kathy Napier

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Thursday, January 6th

Welcome back!

This week, students will have to work on math Thursday night, and over the weekend should remember to finish their home reading and bring it back to school for Monday so that it can be changed.

From this point on, students are expected to read every night and change their book without being reminded by me. Please help me by checking in with your child and making sure they have a designated time each day to sit and read. Frequent practice is the only way to increase fluency, build word knowledge and expand their vocabulary. Please help them reach their potential!