Monday, January 30, 2012

January 30th, 2012

Language Arts:
Complete Book Response for Thursday
Complete Creative Writing good copy to be handed in February 6th
Reading Comprehension "The Keystone Controversy" due Thursday
Please have your child finish the novel borrowed from the class and return it to school.

Test on Fractions Wednesday
Parents sign application question "The Herb Garden" and students make corrections in necessary
Review sheets Monday and Tuesday

Please send Plaisirs d'hiver permission form to school if you have not already done so.
If the activity is cancelled you will be advised Thursday in the agenda.

Have a wonderful week!

Monday, January 23, 2012

January 23rd -27th

Math: sheets on multiplying and dividing fractions, correct application word problems for Friday and have them signed by a parent.

ELA: reading comprehension due Thursday, and corrections on past reading comprehension sheets,
A-Z reading, home reading

Science test Friday

Cassie Scolaire due Thursday

Thank you to those of you who have sent tissues! 
If you have not yet had a chance, please send some along as soon as you can.

Have a wonderful week!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

January 17th, 20th

Math: New unit on Fractions! Students will have a page of homework each night.

Language Arts: A big week of homework, for new tasks as well as finishing old assignments.

Reading Comprehension:"7 Billion and Counting" text and comprehension questions due Thursday.
Reading Response: Full response text due Monday (picture book sent home yesterday)
Homereading, A-Z Reading: Please bring back finished novel (sent home before Winter Break) and A-z book, as evaluations are underway.

Social Sciences: new unit beginning, ask your child about what they will be reseaching!

The cold and sniffles season hit us hard in the fall, and our reserve of kleenex is depleted. 
Please have your child bring a box of tissues to school. Thank you!

Have a wonderful week!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

January 11-13

Homework for this (short) week:

Reread the texts on Diwali, Chinese New Year, Hanukkah and Advent/Christmas and complete the Crossword Puzzle.

Videos to review ERC content before final task:

Please have your child finish their homereading and send it to school to be changed.

Thursday will follow a Monday schedule, so students will need clothes for Physical Education.

Have a wonderful week!