Hello Families,
The English Exam is now behind us, and we have an exam-free week is ahead of us. We will be revising for the Math Exam, due to begin May 25th and continue through June 4rth with segments of the test undertaken each day.
Over the coming weeks students will be reviewing key concepts in class and at home. I am correcting much of this work myself and we will correct the rest in class. All of this review will be contained in a light-blue duotang (coming home daily) and the JUMP 6.1 and 6.2 exercise books. These exercise books also have explanations, examples, and additional practice.
While I will be directing the lessons toward the areas in which we most need revision, it is important for students to ask questions and to help self-identify places where they have difficulty. If you find your child struggles, please help them, and refer them to the notes they have in these places for the strategies and processes we have studied in class. Then make sure your child is asking me for clarification in class as well.
As well as the materials above, there is math concept practice at Mathfrog (http://cemc2.math.uwaterloo.ca/mathfrog/)
Thank you for the help you give your child!
Kathy Napier
Important Dates:
May 22nd Visit to RRHS
June 5th Pedagogical Day
June 10th Class Trip to Quebec City
June 18th Graduation at 1p.m. in our gymnasium
June 23rd Last Day of School