Tuesday, November 3, 2009

November 2-9

Hello Families,
This week the homework follows the same routine:
-1 page of math per night except for Monday because the students had a test )and didn't learn anything new that day to practice)
-the assignment on "The Little Prince" is due Thursday
-students need to practice their play and know their role by heart for Monday
-2 new songs have been assigned for the recorder, practicing notes G, A, B, C, and D
- nightly reading, please, in their A-Z book or in a good novel

Have a wonderful week, and stay healthy!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

October 5th-9th

Hello Families,

This week, students will need to :

1) do one page of math every night
2) do the corrections from their math test (class average 88%)
3) do the corrections on the last assignment on The Little Prince
4) read pages 15-19 in Places in Time
5) practice the recorder and so the sheets on "line notes"
6) Select their favorite passage from the first eight chapters of the novel and write about why they like it

Please remember picture day is Wednesday!

Have a great week!

Monday, September 28, 2009

September 28th, 2009

This week looks like a great deal of work, but much of the practice here should take short bursts of energy. Have a great week!


Monday: page 56
Tuesday: review notes for Quiz
Wednesday: QUIZ! no homework
Thursday: quiz corrections

Social Sciences
Read pages 10-13 in Places in Time for Thursday

Complete the sheet on notes
Practice the song and the notes G A B for Friday

Practice and memorize your role for next Monday

Independent book (student choice) ad A-Z book every night

Friday, September 25, 2009

September 25th - September 28th

Practice playing the notes G A B on the recorder.
Practice the short song on page 17.

Enjoy the weekend!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

September 23rd, 2009

Hello Families,

Please forgive the late homework post. It is been a very busy week, and one with many connection problems.

ELA: double sided sheet on chapters 2 and 3 of The Little Prince due Thursday

Math: page 51-52 due Thursday, page 53-54 due Friday

READ - please, read every night. Homereading can be changed during homeroom every morning.

Have a wonderful (end of the ) week!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Week of September 15th, 2009

Hello Families,

The week the students have slightly different homework:

Monday- Thursday

Math each night
Monday: Page 40 in JUMP
Tuesday: pages 42-44 in JUMP
Wednesday: page 45
Thursday: no math homework, although "Mathfrog" remains linked on the blog

Language Arts

Chapters 1 and 2 of "The Little Prince" by Thursday
Introductory paragraphs to be answered: elaborate on one of your answers to the statements on the photocopied sheet.
Reading A-Z, to be done when chapters of "The Little Prince" are completed.

Curriculum Night takes place on Thursday.

There is no school for the children on Friday.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

September 8th, 2009

Hello Families,

This week students will have to complete the following:

Math - one page from the JUMP math workbook per night (pages are marked and dated)

Social Science - read pages 30-32 in Places in Time for Thursday and complete part of the graphic organizer in the orange duotang.

Reading A-Z - read the assigned book, and have a parent sign the sheet when the book is read and understood. These books can be changed as often as you like.

Have a wonderful week!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

September 1st, 2009

Welcome back, Families!

Tonight the students have 2 pages of math and some review pages to read in their Social Studies Text.

Thursday students will have one page of homework , and home-reading will begin this weekend.

Enjoy the week!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Homework: May 25th - May 29th

This week student will have
-one page of math per night

-a math test on Friday (long division and multiplication)

- to write a persuasive essay on the following topic:

What is your opinion about the effects of plastic trash on the environment?

*students must use data from their red duotangs to support their opinion
Good essays will state the problem, state the opinion of the author, and support the author's message with quotes from different sources.

Due Friday!

Monday, May 4, 2009

May 4-8

Hello Families,

The week we are working on multiplciation of decimals!
You can help your child with equations such as 0.03 x10, 0.03 x100, 0.03 x5, and 0.03 x 0.1

There will be a short quiz Thursday to measure their understanding, particulary as participation today was less-than-stellar (see other blog post).

As well, the students need to read, and complete their vocabulary sheets.

Mrs. Levesque would like those who can to bring a small green plant to school for Thursday's science class.

Have a wonderful week,
Ms Napier

Monday, April 20, 2009

Week of April 20th

Language Arts

Vocabulary and Syllabification exercise: Animal Names and Animal Body Parts, in preparation for our visit from Kat Usher from the Earthvalues Institute.

Due Wednesday and Friday respectively.

Haiku - appreciation for our school secretary in honour of Secretaries' Week


Unit 4 pages in the Math Makes Sense Workbook, 2 pages per night
Due the following day.

Please sign the Geometry test given by our student teacher

Scholastic Due April 30th

Have a lovely week!

Monday, March 23, 2009

March 23-27

Hello Families!

This week's homework, assigned by our student teacher, Ms Millette:
math - I page per night in our geometry unit
Yellow duotang - corrections and a good copy of the text identified with a sticker
Science- read pages 16-17
History - read pages 8-11, and pages 17-19 for Wednesday

Singing Buddies: learn the songs "Teddy Bear's Picnic" and "Rubber Duckie" (lyrics to come!)

Have a great week!
Ms Napier

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

March 10-13

Welcome back form March Break, and a big welcome to Laura Millette, our student teacher from Bishop's University! She will be with us for six weeks.

This week's homework:

Tuesday: Math page 21
Text: What I know about the Loyalists---due Thursday

Wednesday: Math page 22
Thursday: Math pages 107-108

READ every night in homereading (self chosen book) and A-Z leveled reading book.

Reminder: parents meed to listen to their child read and sign the sheet in the duotang before I can change the book for the student.

ALSO - many students are sick. Please keep them home, as many are getting run-down, tired and sicker. Right now there are many different kinds of viruses going around, and keeping students home form school helps us all get well much faster.

Take care,
Kathy Napier

Monday, February 16, 2009

February 16th - 19th

Hello Families,

A short week with short homework, and a note to remind parents to let me know in writing if you know your child has not done their homework. Three children did not do last week's social sciences questions (due last Thursday, with 4 nights to do it, as well as the weekend if need be), the number one reason being that they were, "too busy."

Math - one pager per night in our unit on decimals
ELA - a short text resuming what we have been studying in social sciences class. One piece of student work will be posted on the class blog.
Reading -A to Z book and homereading (self-chosen tradebook)
Social Sciences - begin to study for the unit test (next week).

Have a great week,
Kathy Napier

Monday, February 9, 2009

February 9th - 13th

Hello Families,

This week I will be absent both Monday and Friday, and out guest teacher will be Sharon.

Homework includes:

A-Z Reading: read and have log sheet signed
Return homereading books

Math - new unit on Decimals!
In general, one or more pages per night as we review the cycle 2 content.

Social Studies

Read through pages 24 - 33 of the text in order to be able to list the major changes that take place in British territory during this time period.

In class we will review daily life of in New France in order to be able to compare
French Society circa 1745 to Canadian Society circa 1820. Good things to review and discuss at home!

Have a wonderful week,

Monday, January 26, 2009

January 26th-30th

Hello Families!

This week's homework:

Math 1 page daily (Monday, 1st 3 pages in packet given out last Thursday are to be completed)
Reading A_Z read books and sign log so that books can be changed
Social Studies:
geography quiz on the locations of provinces and territories (yes, spelling counts!)

Also, please finish and bring back reading book chosen from the classroom library (some have been out a very long time).

Have a great week,
Ms Napier

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009

Homework: January 19-23

Hello all. Here is the week's homework.

Monday: the last 3 math questions on the sheet begun in class.
read (comprehension quiz Tuesday)

Tuesday: One page of math
short text due Friday - "What is special about our province?"

Wednesday: One page of math

Thursday: One page of math

Weekend: Read

Have a great week,
Ms Napier

Monday, January 12, 2009

Homework for the week of January 12th

Fractions review sheet
A-Z book to be read and changed as often as possible from now on
Review research questions

One page of math
One paragraph (in orange duotang) about the most interesting activity you have found in your destination city - Due Thursday
one page of math

Thursday: One page of math

Math test

Scholastic Due January 16th

Have a wonderful week!