Wednesday, March 11, 2009

March 10-13

Welcome back form March Break, and a big welcome to Laura Millette, our student teacher from Bishop's University! She will be with us for six weeks.

This week's homework:

Tuesday: Math page 21
Text: What I know about the Loyalists---due Thursday

Wednesday: Math page 22
Thursday: Math pages 107-108

READ every night in homereading (self chosen book) and A-Z leveled reading book.

Reminder: parents meed to listen to their child read and sign the sheet in the duotang before I can change the book for the student.

ALSO - many students are sick. Please keep them home, as many are getting run-down, tired and sicker. Right now there are many different kinds of viruses going around, and keeping students home form school helps us all get well much faster.

Take care,
Kathy Napier

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