Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday, September 12th, 2011

Math:   JUMP math pages: 2 Monday, 2 Tuesday, 2 Thursday
            TEST THIS WEDNESDAY on Number Sense
            Math test from last Friday to be signed and returned, corrections done in exercise book

Language Arts:  Complete or Redo the "9/11" reading comprehension sheet.
                          Some parents will need to sign to show that they are aware of the quality of work being submitted.

Homereading every night (some students stillhave to produce the book borrowed last year and not returned to Ms Portfors).

Social Sciences: Read Places in Time pages 6 to 9 and complete the "Eagle Eye" questions asked in the text.

Curriculum Night is this Thursday from 6 to 7, followed by the General Assembly. Please plan on attending if you can, as there is important information on changes to the report cards that I will be sharing with parents.

Have a wonderful week!


Patricia said...

Thank you for your time this evening and for all the important (scary at times) info! We look forward to receiving your blogs in our inbox and working together throughout the year!

Sandra said...

Thanks Kathy for everything you do (and I know you do alooooot) for your students and us parents, to make the school year the best it can be. After 8 years of having you as my child's teacher it's still a pleasure. Having YOU as a teacher is a privilege and a plus in a child's life.

Sandra McMenamin

Ms. Napier said...

You are both very kind. I enjoy working with you to help your children succeed. Here's to a great year!