Tuesday, March 20, 2012

March 19-23rd

Hello Families,

This first full week back after the break sees a return to the normal levels of homework. Please continue to check your child's work regularly and help him or her practice her reading and math skills. As we move toward the end of the year this practice is very important to their continued success!

Math: JUMP math practice will consist of review of the unit now concluding on Fractions, Decimals, an Percent

Reading Comprehension: due Thursday

Reading response:  A chapter from "Blubber" will be the topic of this week's response. Please make sure your child fills out the outline provided before completing their response as this will help them ensure they include all the necessary elements. This will be found in their red duotang. Also in this duotang are some of their previous responses and a sample response that can give you an idea of what a successful response looks like. Due next Monday, March 26th.

Science: sign the test and complete pages 108-109 for Friday

Music: Practice recorder songs "Old MacDonald" and "A la Claire Fontaine' for next week. Pay attention to the fingering for D.

Read: Many students have not changed their homereading lately. Please help your child establish a set time for reading every day. It is the only way they cam improve.

Have a wonderful week!

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