Tuesday, March 12, 2013

March 12- 15th

Hello Families,

I hope that you had a restful break and that you were able to spend time together over the past week. The students had been getting quite tired toward the end of February, and hopefully the week away from school will help them to be more rested and to avoid the last few viruses of the winter season.

The week's news and assignments:

We will be continuing with Geometry, focusing on Surface Area and Volume. Expect a page or two of homework each night to practice using the formulae.

Language Arts:
Writing: The students have completed a Story Map and a web as pre-writing activities for a creative writing text they are to hand in Friday. The rough draft is to be completed at home.

Reading: A corrected response will come home Wednesday to be signed (not corrected) along with a student-completed goal-setting sheet and a new picture book to respond to. This response is due next Monday, March 18th.

Students also have a book chosen before the break (and sent home) that they are to read and review in the month of March. Students should be reading every night, the review will be started in class after additional instruction.

Social Science:
We are beginning a new module comparing life in modern Inuit and Micmac communities. Climate charts and comparison grids may come home to be completed using the information in the text, Places in Time.

Scholastic: Due March 15th

Caisse scolaire deposit tomorrow (Wednesday).

Have a wonderful week!
Kathy Napier

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