Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A day late...November 26th-29th

Hello Families, 

This is a light homework week, with regular lessons being shelved to make room for experimentation on the ipad minis.

Please help me make sure your child has a working Apple ID and has downloaded the following apps:
RAZ Kids

Your child will need to experiment with the Showbie App, in which there is an assignment to help us explore this new assignment/feedback process (due Friday, but if there are problem please let me know before that!)

You child can also use RAZ Kids to help improve their reading comprehension.

Traditional assignments:

JUMP math pages on Fractions, 1 to 2 pages per night

Language Arts: Figurative Language work in dark blue doutang (1 page double sided)

Homereading, novel and/or RAZ kids

Paperwork: Christmas Field Trip permission slip, Report Card envelopes signed and returned, IEPs signed and returned (if applicable)

Scholastic: new flyers will come home this week, if you would like to order books for Christmas, please return the order for in a signed, sealed envelope with a note and I will call you when the books arrive.

The weather forecast calls for a snowstorm this week - if we have a snow day you can expect to hear new on 92.1 and on the sschool board website. I also found that MeteoMedia added us to one of their pages, youc an see it here:


Have a wonderful week!
Kathy Napier

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