Tuesday, January 28, 2014

January 27th-31st

Hello Families, 

As the end of term is approaching, students should be preparing for end-of-unit tests in Math and Social Science.

This week there is homework students will need the ipad to complete. 

Math: pages in JUMP math each night, test at the end of the week. Please sign the application word problems in your child's green duotang.

1) Vocabulary assignment using Pic Collage, due Friday. Please find the assignment sheet in the blue duotang.

2) Dramatic Reading homework, recorded and compiled with the student's choice of app. The assignment and evaluation sheet is in the same blue duotang, photocopied on a blue paper ,due Thursday (assigned last Friday)

3) Please sign your child's December Reading Graph and their reflection sheet. Please consider discussing this data with them.

Registration forms came home today (Tuesday). Please complete the form as soon ans possible, or the yellow sheet if your child is not continuing on to RRHS.

Plaisirs d'Hiver permission slips will go home tomorrow.

Scholastic Orders due at the end of the week.

Kathy Napier

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

January 20th-24th

Hello Families,

This week there are several assignments on the go:

Language Arts: Response assigned last week is due Friday
Reading Comprehension work begun in class and assigned Monday is also due Friday.

Social Studies: Reading and sheets in the orange duotang and Places in Time.

Math: working on tying together different concepts and ideas, we are doing many word problems and sample questions from past MELS exams. Please sign the corrected work your child brings home and supervise the completion of work in JUMP math.

Have a wonderful week!
Kathy Napier

Monday, January 13, 2014

January 13th-17th

Hello Families, 

I am very pleased to share with you that the students are making good progress overall, and particularly good progress in their writing and reading skills. The texts written are longer, control of grammar and spelling are improving, and the content is more logical and better organized. Hard work is paying off! Please take the time to look over your child's work and encourage them to maintain a solid effort.

This week's homework:

Math: Pages in JUMP Math and work with problem solving. Summative evaluation coming soon, students can expect it to cover concepts seen up to now.

Social Sciences: Page 67 in the duotang and corresponding work in Places and Time.

Language Arts: The last response handed in will come home to be signed, and there will be an exemplar from last year's exam with it so students and parents can see what the expectations are for this type of assignment.

RAZ-Kids: thank you to those of you who returned the paper. You can check your child's progress with the log-in information sent to the email address you provided. Please share what you see with your child and discuss their strengths and weaknesses with them.

This week I also have a few events to share, all of which are taking place at RRHS.

"Homework in Peace or Homework Police?" presented via videoconference by the CLC Network in partnership with OMETZ on January  15, from 7pm - 8:30pm. This presentation raises the issue of what parents need to know about homework and strategies to use to make homework a more pleasant experience for children and parents. The social, emotional and cognitive development of children is summarized to form a basis for this discussion. Risk and protective factors are covered in light of their importance for raising a resilient child. Homework is presented in the context of enhancing self-reliance in children. Admission is by donation ($2 suggested).

Community Movie Nights at RRHS, presented in partnership with Ville de Richmond. All funds raised support local school and community groups. Coming up soon:
Jan 10 : Les Schtroumphfs 2 (presented in French)
Jan 31: Detestable Moi 2 (presented in French)
Feb 21: Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (presented in English)
Please visit www.facebook.com/richmondmovies for the complete schedule.
All welcome! Doors open at 6:30pm, movie starts at 7pm. Tickets: $3

Starting in February! A FREE program for parents or caregivers with children aged 0 to 3, "Mother Goose" is specifically structured to provide parent-child interaction, language acquisition and development and socialization. Professionally-trained animators model oral traditions of interactive rhymes, songs and storytelling complimented by structured play and movement. 15-week session begins on Friday, February 14, 10am – 10:45am. For more information, please contact: richmondclc@etsb.qc.ca 

Reserve your spots by contacting richmondclc@etsb.qc.ca or 819-826-3702 ext. 24026

Homework in Peace or Homework Police?
Presented by the CLC network in partnership with OMETZ
Jan 15 | 7pm - 8:30pm
COST: $2 suggested donation

Let’s Talk About Alzheimer’s Disease!
Presented in partnership with Townshippers' Association
Jan 22 | 10am - 12pm
COST: Free

Everything you wanted to know about Schizophrenia
Presented in partnership with Ami Quebec
Jan 29 | 7pm - 9pm
COST: $2 suggested donation

Making use of genomics and reproduction management 
Presented by the Quebec Farmers' Association
Jan 30 | 7pm - 9pm
COST: Free for QFA members, $5 for non-members
Have a wonderful week!
Kathy Napier

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

January 7th - January 10th

Hello Families,

Please let me take this opportunity to wish you and your family a Happy New Year. I hope that for each of you, 2014 brings good health and much happiness.

Ask we get back into the routine, you can expect a slight increase in assignments that are due from week to week. This is done to help students learn to manage their time and workload as they will be expected to in high school, though you can expect this to happen with more reminders and closer follow-up than they will enjoy next year. Students need to bring their agendas daily, and you can check this blog page to find details about assignments and due dates.

This week:

Math: JUMP pages continuing our work on Fractions, while in class we work on word problems similar to what we can expect on the May Ministry exams. Please expect 1 page per night.

Some students are still struggling with their multiplication facts. Regular practice on the Reflex Math website is a great help in developing fluency and speed. These skills are essential to the students further progress in math, please supervise Reflex practice 3 times a week, for approximately 10 minutes each time.

English: Reading Comprehension packet on the late Nelson Mandela due Friday.

A letter also went home today giving you information about a leveled reading website we use to help build comprehension, vocabulary knowledge and other reading skills. On this website, the books unlocked for your child are adjusted according to their reading level and there are comprehension questions at the end to help them learn to retain what they read. You can access your child's progress with this information. Please sign and return the bottom of the page to let me know you received it.

Media/Drama assignment using the iPads will be discussed in class, and assessment sheet given, before students are expected to complete the video recording of their book. The assignment due date will be set after we troublshoot the process in class.

Social Sciences: Resuming our work on Adventure 1 and beginning Adventure 2 on Places in Time, will be assigned and due next Tuesday. We will be continuing our study of major changes to Quebec life between 1905 and 1980.

Paperwork and general housekeeping:

*Caisse Scolaire due Thursday
*Wednesday, January 8th follows a Monday Schedule (bring things for Phys. Ed and Science).

Have a wonderful week!
Kathy Napier