Hello Families,
Please let me take this opportunity to wish you and your family a Happy New Year. I hope that for each of you, 2014 brings good health and much happiness.
Ask we get back into the routine, you can expect a slight increase in assignments that are due from week to week. This is done to help students learn to manage their time and workload as they will be expected to in high school, though you can expect this to happen with more reminders and closer follow-up than they will enjoy next year. Students need to bring their agendas daily, and you can check this blog page to find details about assignments and due dates.
This week:
Math: JUMP pages continuing our work on Fractions, while in class we work on word problems similar to what we can expect on the May Ministry exams. Please expect 1 page per night.
Some students are still struggling with their multiplication facts. Regular practice on the Reflex Math website is a great help in developing fluency and speed. These skills are essential to the students further progress in math, please supervise Reflex practice 3 times a week, for approximately 10 minutes each time.
English: Reading Comprehension packet on the late Nelson Mandela due Friday.
A letter also went home today giving you information about a leveled reading website we use to help build comprehension, vocabulary knowledge and other reading skills. On this website, the books unlocked for your child are adjusted according to their reading level and there are comprehension questions at the end to help them learn to retain what they read. You can access your child's progress with this information. Please sign and return the bottom of the page to let me know you received it.
Media/Drama assignment using the iPads will be discussed in class, and assessment sheet given, before students are expected to complete the video recording of their book. The assignment due date will be set after we troublshoot the process in class.
Social Sciences: Resuming our work on Adventure 1 and beginning Adventure 2 on Places in Time, will be assigned and due next Tuesday. We will be continuing our study of major changes to Quebec life between 1905 and 1980.
Paperwork and general housekeeping:
*Caisse Scolaire due Thursday
*Wednesday, January 8th follows a Monday Schedule (bring things for Phys. Ed and Science).
Have a wonderful week!
Kathy Napier
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