Monday, September 15, 2014

The Week of September 15th

Hello Families,

The iPads were sent home today with a list of apps that need to be downloaded. Doing this from home will save us learning time in the classroom. If you cannot download at home, please let me know and we will download at school.

Please make sure the iPad comes to school every day charged. The charger should stay home or in the student's backpack.

Homework this week:

Math: JUMP pages each night on Numeration (mainly review)

Social Sciences:  please read pages 4-7 in the text Places in Time  (this represents three short paragraphs)

Language Arts: Reading Comprehension text "Ebola: Battling a deadly virus." Questions are due Friday

Communications home:
- a first list of FREE apps to be installed, sent home Monday
- Parent letter about iPad use, to be sent home Tuesday
- login information for specific apps will be sent later in the week

Please use this link
to join the class Remind account

Have a wonderful week,
Kathy Napier

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