Monday, November 17, 2014

November 17th - 20th

Hello Families,

This Wednesday is Parents' Night. I look forward to meeting with many of you, and there are still time-slots available for the later part of the evening. If you aren't available Wednesday but would like to meet, please contact me and we will find a time to discuss your child's progress.

This Wednesday after school will also be the time to pick up your fundraising order. As the products are frozen, it is important to come by between 3 and 8, when the items will be in a refrigerated truck in back of the school. Thank you for your participation in this year's fundraising drive.

Thursday is our Field Trip to the Musee des religions in Nicolet. Please remember that your child will need a cold lunch for the day.

Homework this week:

Math- revision of long division, as well as Prime and Composite numbers. A short quiz will be given Friday.

Science - reading in the text Science Tech (pages to come).

Social Studies - beginning of the "Voices" project (need all the permission slips back!), so students will be doing repeated readings and choosing a text with which they would like to work.

ERC - we have begun a project on "Places of Worship." Ask you child about what they are researching and where in the world their topic is situated.

Language Arts  - please sign the Response marking rubric that will be coming home in the blue duotang.
* Many students are still not changing their home reading regularly. Please encourage them to read from their novel every night and make it a part of their regular routine. Students who read more learn more vocabulary and do better in all subjects.

Have a wonderful week and see you Wednesday!
Kathy Napier

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