As we approach the winter holiday, students will have lessons and studying as homework.
The app is in development and we have free access to it in return for my feedback and collaboaration. I would welcome your input as to how it is helping your child at home, and what features you find help your child plan his or her time.
There are two exams this week - one in Social Science, and one in Math.
Important dates:
Play at the Maison de Arts: Tuesday, December 16th
Winter Concert: Thursday, December 18th
PJ and Pizza Lunch: Friday, December 19th
Christmas basket Collection has begun - non-perishable food items are welcome.
Please send in the Pizza /Pyjama Day form as soon as possible.
Homework and Lessons:
Math: Quiz Thursday on Geometry (lines, polygons, angles, area, and perimeter)
ELA: Please have your child read and bring back their home-reading to change before the holiday.
Social Science: Quiz Wednesday on Changes to Quebec Society between 1905 and 1908, specifically: Resources in Regions of Quebec; Important People and their Contribution to Quebec Society; Changes to Education and Healthcare between 1905 and 1908.
Music: Students have an iTunes U book on their iPads to help them learn the songs we will perform at the concert next week. Practice is important, please make sure they learn the lyrics.
Drama/Social Studies: the Voices Text each students has chosen to record needs to be practiced until the student can read it fluently and with expression.
Have a lovely week!
Kathy Napier
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