Monday, January 26, 2015

January 26th-30th

Hello Families,

End of term is here and many projects and assignments are wrapping up. As our Internet connection here at school has been wonky, your child may be asked to turn in work from home using Google Classroom. Have them show you how we do this - the process is really neat.

This week we are also asking for the Registration papers for the 2015 school year to come back, whether or not your child is staying with our school board next year.

Interesting connectiosn to our unit on Space, if you can get your child outside after sunset with a pair of binoculars:

An Asteroid will pass by tonight - the closest asteroid until 2027

Comet Lovejoy: A green comet is visible in the sky during January

Reflex math app practice 3 times a week is helpful to have fact fluency and be able to calculate quickly and with confidence. In our current fractions unit, students who know their times-tables by heart have an easier timer learning new concepts (such as equivalence and calculating with fractions.

Social Studies:
continuing with the changes in Quebec Society between 1905 and 1980, wee are exploring the consequences of changes to transportation and of urban sprawl to our society. Students should be reading in their text and making visual notes.

As well, our Voices! project is ongoing, and your child should be using their ipad to collect photos from the websites and documents given to use in their short film.

Science/ reading:
This week your child received an e-book they need to read for Friday, when they will have a short comprehension evaluation.
Your child is also responsible for posting their infographic and their video to heir Kidblog account.

There will be a response begun and completed in class, but students will have the text to reread at home Tuesday and Wednesday evening.

Have a wonderful week!

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