Monday, January 11, 2016

January 11th-15th

Hello Families,

Is this first full week after winter break we're back to normal with homework and lessons. This week, you child should:

-Use the Reflex Math App 3 times
-Use the RAZ Kids App twice

Do one page of math in the JUMP workbook each night.

Begin studying for the Social Science test at the end of the month using the notes on Kidblogs and reading Places in Time (focusing on Adventure 1). Finish reading Adventure 3 for Wednesday.

Complete the Energy Audit in the 00Watt Booklet on pages 28-31 for Wednesday's class.

In Language Arts your child is asked to use the photo of the poster "What to Talk about in a Response" and the feedback they've received on the last three responses to answer the following questions:

What is a response supposed to include?
What am I doing well in my responses?
What do I need to do differently to improve my results and make my responses more complete? (checklist possible for this question only).

Due Friday.
Have a lovely week!

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