Monday, December 16, 2013

December 16th-20th

Hello Families,

We have a big week ahead of us as we prepare for the Christmas holiday. A few things to remember:

We are collecting non-perishable items for the Christmas Baskets. These items are distributed to DES families in need this holiday season, and we are encouraging students to bring items in until Friday.
If you would like to receive a basket this year, please call the office.

Thursday is our annual Winter Concert. The students will be performing at the CCDS, and the concert starts at 12:30. Parents are asked to arrive by 12:20 so that the show can start on time. Students will return to school from the community centre and can be picked up at school if you so desire.

Friday is Pyjama Day and the PPO has organized a Pizza Lunch and an afternoon activity. There will be special activities all day, and we look forward to having our sixth graders here to help with the lunch and the packing of the Christmas Baskets. Permission forms for the lunch went home last week and are needed back at school to help with our planning.
If you have time to help on Friday, the PPO is looking for extra hands to help with the lunch and other activities, please call Nathalie at 819 818-2546.

On behalf of everyone here at DES,  please accept our most heartfelt wishes for a safe and healthy holiday season, and may the new year bring joy to you and yours.

Happy Holidays,
Kathy Napier

Homework this week:
*Book Response (assigned last Monday) due Wednesday
*Ventriloquism: as part of our Drama course and the dramatic appreciation of today's show, please record yourself (using our ipad and a 'puppet' of your choice), telling a  knock-knock joke. To be shared in class at the end of the week. Can't appreciate how hard it is until we've tried it...;)

Monday, December 2, 2013

December 2-6th

Hello Families,

December is here, and some class time will be spent preparing for the Christmas Concert.
It will take place December 19th at the CCDS.
Hope you'll be able to attend!

This week's homework

ELA: Student need to have their monthly homereading graph signed by a parent. I am expecting that in grade 6, students are reading at least 2 novels per months and 6-10 A-Z books

Vocabulary work due Thursday, quiz on words we have been studying Thursday or Friday.

TEXT to be written on the ipad for Thursday:  
What Can I do to Improve my Reading and Why Should I Bother?

Math: Continuing fractions, work in JUMP or in the green duotang each night.

Social Sciences: Reading in Places in Time for Thursday (pages to be determined after class Tuesday)
Edited Wednesday: Read Adventure 1 in Places in Time for Tuesday.

Have a lovely week!
 Kathy Napier

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A day late...November 26th-29th

Hello Families, 

This is a light homework week, with regular lessons being shelved to make room for experimentation on the ipad minis.

Please help me make sure your child has a working Apple ID and has downloaded the following apps:
RAZ Kids

Your child will need to experiment with the Showbie App, in which there is an assignment to help us explore this new assignment/feedback process (due Friday, but if there are problem please let me know before that!)

You child can also use RAZ Kids to help improve their reading comprehension.

Traditional assignments:

JUMP math pages on Fractions, 1 to 2 pages per night

Language Arts: Figurative Language work in dark blue doutang (1 page double sided)

Homereading, novel and/or RAZ kids

Paperwork: Christmas Field Trip permission slip, Report Card envelopes signed and returned, IEPs signed and returned (if applicable)

Scholastic: new flyers will come home this week, if you would like to order books for Christmas, please return the order for in a signed, sealed envelope with a note and I will call you when the books arrive.

The weather forecast calls for a snowstorm this week - if we have a snow day you can expect to hear new on 92.1 and on the sschool board website. I also found that MeteoMedia added us to one of their pages, youc an see it here:

Have a wonderful week!
Kathy Napier

Monday, November 18, 2013

November 18th-20th

Hello Families,

Parent Interviews are this Wednesday after school. Please return your interview time-request if you have not already done so.

Math: Continuing our unit on Fractions, there will be a unit pre-test Tuesday and pages in JUMP Math the other nights.

Social Sciences: Students need to read pages 8-11 int he new text, and complete sheets 58 and 59. They should come to class Wednesday ready to discuss the ideas on these pages.

Fundraising: Ferme des Voltigeurs pick-up this Wednesday evening
                     Class book sale during Interview Evening.

Students should bring back their home-reading before the long weekend so they can change their books.

Have a lovely week and I look forward to seeing you Wednesday!
Kathy Napier

Monday, November 11, 2013

November 11th-15th

Hello Families,

This week, please watch for paperwork about Parents' Night, which will take place next Wednesday, November 20th. Interview times and fundraising information will be sent home as soon as possible.

This week's homework:

Math: Reflex math Monday night, Fractions work beginning Tuesday

Language Arts: Homereading
                          Response to "Proud as a Peacock, Brave as a Lion" to be completed on the ipad using notes taken in class and during a class discussion
                          Remembrance Times Cross-Word Puzzle due Friday

Social Studies: Unit 1 Test will come home for a signature and the new unit will begin

Have a wonderful week, and I look forward to seeing you next Wednesday.

Kathy Napier

Dear Families,

The Grade Six class has been offered a fundraising opportunity by Nathalie Theroux and the CCDS. On November 20th, during Parent-Teacher Interviews, we will be holding a Used Book Sale. Profits from that sale will go toward the end of year trip.

To staff the book sale we will need students from grade six to be present during the evening. I will be across the hall holding interviews, and we would need 2 students at a time in the classroom. I am asking that you allow your child to be present while you are attending interviews with your child(ren’s) teachers, collecting your Ferme des Voltigeurs order, and visiting the bookfairs taking place that night.  Once the interview schedule is set, we can make a schedule for the book sale as well.

Please sign the sheet that comes home with your child if your child can help with the book  sale Parent’s Night.

We are also accepting donations to the sale, which can be dropped off from Friday of this week. All unsold books will be given to the CCDS.
Thank you!

Kathy Napier

Monday, October 28, 2013

October 28th-November 1st

Hello Families,

This week's homework and assignments;

ELA: Reading Comprehension assignment to be done in class Friday using the text given out last Friday.

Corrections to last week's Poetry Response should be completed.

Home-reading every night, please.

Math: A mini-quiz will take place this week on mixed calculations and concepts seen to date.
Relfex Math: students should practice three times a week, playing until they get the green light.

Social Studies: Sheet assigned last week is due Tuesday, quiz coming up next Tuesday.

Halloween Costumes: Permission slips and a change of clothes due for Thursday.

Soccer Tournament November 4th: Permission slips need to come back to school.

iPad Apple ID: new and improved instructions coming from the school board! Stay tuned.

Have a wonderful week!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

October 15th-18th, 2013

Hello Families,

There is a great deal of paperwork coming home tonight about the new ETSB iPad deployment. Grade 6 and Secondary Cycle 1, year 1 will have iPad minis that they will be able to bring home soon. Please return the paperwork as soon as possible.

Tomorrow is the Cross Country Run for students selected to participate. Please remember to bring your lunch, water, snacks, and warm layers of clothes.

Photo retakes AND the grade six class photo will take place on Thursday, please let us know if you would like your child's photo taken again.

Scholastic Orders Due next Thursday.

Reading Comprehension: Poetry sheets, and corrections from last week's reading comprehension.

Response to Native American Legend of "Ugly Face" due next Thursday, October 24th.

Home reading: parents should sign the corrected work and the monthly reading graph.

Math: error analysis of last week's quiz due tomorrow, part two of the quiz will take place Thursday.

Social Studies Quiz next week, students can study using their duotangs and their Places in Time.

Have a wonderful week!

Monday, October 7, 2013

October 7th- 11th, 2013

Hello Families,

This week's homework:

ELA: correct and sign last week's work, complete the reading comprehension activity on Commander Hadfield, have parents initial the reading graph for the month of September.
Home-reading, every night.

Math: Continuing work on basic operations, factors, multiples, prime and composite numbers, quiz Wednesday

Social Science: reread Adventure 1 in Places in Time

Photo orders due the 10th, please let us know if you would like to have the photos retaken on the 17th.

Have a lovely week and Happy Thanksgiving!

Kathy Napier

Monday, September 30, 2013

September 30th, October 4th

Hello Families,

Math: pages in JUMP math, practicing multiplication, factorizing, prime and composite numbers

Social Science: reading in Places in Time (assigned Tuesday)

ELA: Homereading
          2 sheets on Interjections
          Reading Comprehension

Have a wonderful week!
Ms Napier

Monday, September 23, 2013

September 23-26th

Meet the Teacher Night: Thursday, September 26th from 6 to 7 pm

Friday Planning Day

Homereading every night.

Math: Last Friday's test is to be signed and the error analysis begun in class completed for Tuesday.
Pages in JUMP assigned each night.

Social Science: Pages 65-66 in the duotang due Thursday

 Hope to see you Thursday! Have a wonderful week, 
Kathy Napier

Monday, September 16, 2013

September 16th- 20th, 2013

School Picture Day this Wednesday!

Math: Quiz this Friday on numeration, addition, and subtraction.
Homework each night: pages in JUMP Math

Social Studies: reading pages 8-9 in Places in Time for Tuesday (assigned last Thursday)

ERC: Questions due Wednesday (assigned last Wednesday)

Reading Comprehension corrections due Friday, Grammar sheets  (Interjections and Adjectives) due Friday

Music: find the lyrics to a song that has a positive message and bring it to school for Friday.

Homereading: 20 minutes each night

REFLEX math: 10 minutes of practice 4 times a week is recommended.

Scholastic orders due Thursday

Caisse Scolaire envelopes went home today.

Have a wonderful week!

Monday, September 9, 2013

September 9th-13th

Hello Families,

This week marks the first full week of school, and it shows in the homework assigned. Not to worry, students have more than one night for every assignment except math. Everything was brought home today and due dates were written in the agendas. Here is what to expect this week:

Math: Monday, JUMP pages 34, 36-37 due Tuesday (it sounds worse than it is), and at least one page per night thereafter. (green duotang)

Social Sciences: Page 63 in the duotang is due Thursday (orange duotang)

ELA: Reading Comprehension due Friday (blue duotang).

Have a wonderful week,
Kathy Napier

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September 3rd, 2013

Hello Families,

This is a light homework week as we ease into grade six. Please expect your child to have reading in Social Sciences, as well as a page of math each day.  A newsletter will come home from me this week with more information on the grade six program and what to expect this month.

Hoping to see you all on "Meet the Teacher Night," September 26th.

Warm regards,
Kathy Napier

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Quebec City Trip Reminders

Students must be at the station for 7:15 – at the latest (earlier would be better)


The tour in Quebec City is on foot.

Students must wear or bring:
·    comfortable shoes, please no flip flops.
·    rainwear, sunscreen, (baldies need a hat)
·    clothing appropriate for visiting the National Assembly.

Students must have:
  • a cold lunch and
  • money to buy dinner (sandwiches to be eaten on the train).
  • water bottle

We will return at 7:30 pm, please be at the station to meet your child.

Thank you!

Monday, May 27, 2013

May 27th-June 6th, Math Exam

Hello Families,

This year, for the first time, the dates for the MELS math exams are fixed and I must give the different parts of the test between today and June 7th (though since June 7th I must correct the exams in Magog, logic dictates that I finish administering them the 6th).

At this time of year many children are tempted to play outside until late, and sports practices can further push back bedtime. Please help your child get enough rest  - many are tired and silly.

In order to continue preparing for the test, students should do the assigned revision and use a calculator to check their work. Parents are asked to look over the revision work assigned, as there is not time in class for me to correct this homework. Thank you for your time and you assistance in helping your child do his or her best.

Wednesday we are taking part in Field Games Day, and students have a list of what they need in their agendas. Please remember to check the weather for Sherbrooke for that day, and to make sure your child is dressed appropriately. As well, they need a healthy lunch, good snacks, and plenty of liquid to stay hydrated. Sunscreen is very important as well.

Thank you for your help, and have a lovely week!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Exams this week, some revision work next week

Hello Families,

As mentioned in the letter about the Ministry Exams, there is little homework this week as students are working so hard during the day. They are doing very well, and I am proud of them.

Next week there will be the second part to the Social Sciences test given this Friday, and some revision work in math given as homework. Your child can revise math concepts using the websites on the blog, and calculation practice can be very beneficial before and during the different sections of the exam.

Enjoy the long weekend,
Kathy Napier

Monday, April 15, 2013

April 15th - April 19th

Special information this week:

Please send back the Bake Sale participation Slip -
 The Bake Sale will take place next Friday, April 26th.

Wednesday, April 17th: Naturalist Presentation

Friday April 19th:  Pool Wellness Activity: bring a towel, bathing suit, bathing cap, lock ( if desired). Technological devices are forbidden.

Language Arts:
Writing: pages 109-110 due Friday
Book Review notes due Wednesday
Book Response to a chapter of Blubber, assigned Thursday, due for Next Friday April 26th

Work on the circumference and area of circles as well as mixed review
Math Quiz (geometry) Friday

Social Studies:
Reading and review, short quiz coming soon

Next Monday and Tuesday: A team from the school board will be visiting to help the class with a special writing project that involved using ibook creator and making an ebook. We are one of few schools with the project this year, and it promises to be very interesting. You are invited to the launch of our projects next Tuesday between 1 and 2 pm.

Please check the class blog this week for websites to help you help your child practice their math skills.

Have a wonderful week!

Monday, April 8, 2013

April 8th - 12th

Hello Families,

Please be on the lookout for a newsletter coming home Tuesday. It has important information about the month's activities.

Math: 1 page per night, revision of mixed math concepts and coordinate geometry. In class, we are studying circles.

Language Arts: 
Second copy of a descriptive paragraph about sports due Friday.
Reading comprehension work due Friday.
Finish the book assigned for review writing.

Social Studies: work assigned last week due Tuesday, new work on climatograms assigned this week.

April Scholastic due at the end of the month.

Have a great week!

Monday, March 18, 2013

March 18-22nd

Today students brought home a math assignment from last week that was not successful for most students. Though they can certainly explain to you why they have the mistakes they did, I would appreciate your help reinforcing the idea that they must (must) show their work, including labeling diagrams, writing formulas and including units of measurement. 
The mistakes made were avoidable and have been emphasized in class repeatedly, and these steps in showing their work are essential to success on the MELS exams.

Math: Quizes on Wednesday and Thursday, including problem solving and geometry, as well as mixed concepts studied to now. Sheets for practice each night.

Social Science: Read and complete the Inuit section on the page in the duotang for Tuesday, additional work assigned for next week.

Read the book sent home before the break. It must  be finished for next Monday.

Response due Friday (assigned last Thursday)

Mapping the Truth Crtitical Thinking exercise due Friday

Portfolio Night Sheets should be returned to school - Portfolio Night is next Wednesday, March 27th

Have a wonderful week.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

March 12- 15th

Hello Families,

I hope that you had a restful break and that you were able to spend time together over the past week. The students had been getting quite tired toward the end of February, and hopefully the week away from school will help them to be more rested and to avoid the last few viruses of the winter season.

The week's news and assignments:

We will be continuing with Geometry, focusing on Surface Area and Volume. Expect a page or two of homework each night to practice using the formulae.

Language Arts:
Writing: The students have completed a Story Map and a web as pre-writing activities for a creative writing text they are to hand in Friday. The rough draft is to be completed at home.

Reading: A corrected response will come home Wednesday to be signed (not corrected) along with a student-completed goal-setting sheet and a new picture book to respond to. This response is due next Monday, March 18th.

Students also have a book chosen before the break (and sent home) that they are to read and review in the month of March. Students should be reading every night, the review will be started in class after additional instruction.

Social Science:
We are beginning a new module comparing life in modern Inuit and Micmac communities. Climate charts and comparison grids may come home to be completed using the information in the text, Places in Time.

Scholastic: Due March 15th

Caisse scolaire deposit tomorrow (Wednesday).

Have a wonderful week!
Kathy Napier

Monday, February 18, 2013

February 18th-22nd

Hello Families,

This week you can expect the report card to come home. Please sign and return the envelop only to acknowledge receipt.

In the second term, students do much more self-reflection and write comments and complete assignments for their portfolio. I believe that this work is often very enlightening, as students have a great deal to say about their own progress, successes and challenges. I hope you will be able to join us for Portfolio Night in March.

Math: work with Ratios in JUMP 6.2, as well as revision of concepts to date.

ELA: Reading Comprehension text on Chinese New Year,
          Paragraph editing on pages 52-53 in Writing exercise book
          Literature Circle reading determined Wednesday and for next week.

Social Sciences: please sign the unit test, and have corrections come back to school on Thursday. New mini-unit on immigration to begin this week.

Earth Day Tree Give-away: please return the blue sheet if you would like a sapling.

Caisse Scolaire deposits are due for Wednesday.

Have a wonderful week!
Kathy Napier

Monday, February 4, 2013

February 4th-7th

Due to the weather conditions, Plaisirs d'Hiver has been cancelled. If you sent in the fee it will be refunded to you today. Please make sure your child has a lunch on Thursday.

Pedagogical day Friday: please reserve at daycare early if you need to use this service.

Math: problem solving questions (mixed review) will come home this week.

Language Arts: short homework focusing on vocabulary and inference, in blue duotang

If you child has been absent recently, they may have additional homework to catch-up on as well.

Please make sure your child reads everyday.

Have a wonderful week!

Monday, January 28, 2013

January 28th - February 1st

This is the last week of term and several units end, meaning end of term evaluations are here! Taking things one step at a time, remind your child to review a little each night ( and not 'cram') and to practice what they know how to do.

Math: quizlets (my word for mini quizes) on geometry concepts and skills studied up until last week, and some short word problems reviewing concepts studied over terms 1 and 2. Some practice will come home each night.

Social Studies: end of unit test on Changes to Modern Quebec Society from 1905 to 1980. In particular, focus on the use (and location) of natural resources, changes to the public sector (and more especially education and healthcare), famous Quebeckers, and tying together how changes made over the last century affect how we live today. Test Thursday.

Reading: great reading comprehension work last week - the class average was 88%!
Reading response organizer on "Owl Trouble" due tomorrow and we will complete the response in class. Review notes on previous responses for more details on how to improve.

Scholastic due February 1st

Read every night, please.

Have a productive week,
Kathy Napier

Monday, January 21, 2013

January 21st - 25th

This week:

Math: signatures are required for 3 application word problems (MELS exam questions from previous years) given last week and relating to our unit on Measurement and Geometry. In general, students need to learn to be more precise and complete in their work.
A short quiz on triangles and angles will take place this week, and a longer test to review processes and concepts seen during terms 1 and 2 will take place next week.
Expect homework each night to review concepts from cycle 2 and to practice new content.

Language Arts: 
Reading Comprehension: The students have learned a new study strategy called in-process questioning. I have asked them to use this strategy when reading the text given today. There will be a comprehension quiz given Thursday in class. It would also be an excellent strategy to use when reviewing for the Social Sciences quiz.

Reading Response: After class review, two reading responses will come home for signatures, and with it will be an exemplar from a grade 6 ministry exam showing what kind of response earns top marks. Learning to write  a response is a process, and students are working well, but need to work on making their work more complete and more detailed. A new response to a chapter of a novel will be given this Thursday and will be due next week.

Social Sciences: Quiz on Module 5 next week.

Caisse Scolaire is due this week if students would like to make a deposit.
Permission slips for "Whispers in the Air" are due, and the play takes place at school on Friday.
Scholastic Orders are due February 1st

Have a wonderful week!

Monday, January 14, 2013

January 14th - 18th

Homework this week:

Math: every night students will have practice sheets with geometry concepts and vocabulary. A short evaluation on concepts studied to date will take place next week.

Social Science: Read Adventure 1 in Places in Time for Thursday (this was assigned Friday to allow students to read it over the weekend). A quiz on the material studies this term will take place two weeks from now.

Language Arts:
-Writing exercise book pages 27 and 28, due Thursday (assigned in class Tuesday, after the accompanying lesson).
-Homereading: a minimum of 20 minutes per night is strongly recommended.

As always, please let me know if your child will be absent and I will try to reschedule key lessons and assignments. This is not always possible, but with advanced notice I will do my best. Please understand that absences may require a student to catch up work missed at recess or at home.

Have a wonderful week!
Kathy Napier