Hello Families,
This week we have many fun activities as we wind down toward the holiday.
Please take a moment to think about out DES families in need and make a contribution to our Christmas baskets. We will be taking donations until Friday morning.
The Winter Concert is taking place on Thursday starting at 1 pm. This year, we are asking for a donation of non-perishable food items as an 'entrance fee' and we hope to be able to prepare Christmas baskets for growing number of families in need this holiday season.
Friday students will have a pizza lunch, and they are invited to come to school in their pj's. They should bring a snack for the morning recess.
Over the holiday, grade six students will be allowed to have their ipads at home. They should take some time to clean up videos and photos, and they can use Reflex Math and RAZ Kids to maintain their skills over the break. When they come back, they should have no more than 3 apps they choose on their device.
Over the break, please remember that ipad use needs to be supervised by a parent. Students should remember the rules for use, the code of conduct they signed, as well as class discussions about what we should and should not do online. Please don't hesitate to take the iPad away or place limits on its use if you feel your child is using it inappropriately or too often.
Please let me take this opportunity to wish you and yours a wonderful holiday season, and may 2015 bring your family heath and happiness!
Warm wishes,
Kathy Napier
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Monday, December 8, 2014
December 8th - 12th
Hello Families,
As we approach the winter holiday, students will have lessons and studying as homework.
We are trying out a new app to help students manage their time and to share scheduled events. The app is called Cogito, and it allows me to share events with the students as well as lets them schedule their time and write their tasks. We have begun using it at school. Please take a few moment and have your child show you how it works.
The app is in development and we have free access to it in return for my feedback and collaboaration. I would welcome your input as to how it is helping your child at home, and what features you find help your child plan his or her time.
There are two exams this week - one in Social Science, and one in Math.
Important dates:
Play at the Maison de Arts: Tuesday, December 16th
Winter Concert: Thursday, December 18th
PJ and Pizza Lunch: Friday, December 19th
Christmas basket Collection has begun - non-perishable food items are welcome.
Please send in the Pizza /Pyjama Day form as soon as possible.
Homework and Lessons:
Math: Quiz Thursday on Geometry (lines, polygons, angles, area, and perimeter)
ELA: Please have your child read and bring back their home-reading to change before the holiday.
Social Science: Quiz Wednesday on Changes to Quebec Society between 1905 and 1908, specifically: Resources in Regions of Quebec; Important People and their Contribution to Quebec Society; Changes to Education and Healthcare between 1905 and 1908.
Music: Students have an iTunes U book on their iPads to help them learn the songs we will perform at the concert next week. Practice is important, please make sure they learn the lyrics.
Drama/Social Studies: the Voices Text each students has chosen to record needs to be practiced until the student can read it fluently and with expression.
Have a lovely week!
Kathy Napier
As we approach the winter holiday, students will have lessons and studying as homework.
The app is in development and we have free access to it in return for my feedback and collaboaration. I would welcome your input as to how it is helping your child at home, and what features you find help your child plan his or her time.
There are two exams this week - one in Social Science, and one in Math.
Important dates:
Play at the Maison de Arts: Tuesday, December 16th
Winter Concert: Thursday, December 18th
PJ and Pizza Lunch: Friday, December 19th
Christmas basket Collection has begun - non-perishable food items are welcome.
Please send in the Pizza /Pyjama Day form as soon as possible.
Homework and Lessons:
Math: Quiz Thursday on Geometry (lines, polygons, angles, area, and perimeter)
ELA: Please have your child read and bring back their home-reading to change before the holiday.
Social Science: Quiz Wednesday on Changes to Quebec Society between 1905 and 1908, specifically: Resources in Regions of Quebec; Important People and their Contribution to Quebec Society; Changes to Education and Healthcare between 1905 and 1908.
Music: Students have an iTunes U book on their iPads to help them learn the songs we will perform at the concert next week. Practice is important, please make sure they learn the lyrics.
Drama/Social Studies: the Voices Text each students has chosen to record needs to be practiced until the student can read it fluently and with expression.
Have a lovely week!
Kathy Napier
Monday, November 24, 2014
November 24th-26th
Hello Families,
In this short week, students have more studying than homework.
There is a fair bit of paperwork to come home this week:
information on the DES Anti-Bullying Policy
information given by Agent Vallerand on Cyber-Safety
the December calendar
the Caisse Scolaire, due Wednesday
Scholastic Book Club orders, due December 1st
The homework is light, but students should use their iPad to practice skills... and this can be done on the pedagogical days as well.
Reading - using Newsela and RAZ Kids. Students should also finish and return their home-reading.
Math Calculation - using Reflect and Math Frog - There will be a calculation quiz Wednesday.
Last Friday's test came home today for an error analysis and to be signed by a parent.
Students who received a review lesson today on multiplication should review this as well.
In Social Studies there will be a test next week, completing this module on Quebec circa 1980.
Students should also practice reading their text for the Voices project.
It is the time of year when students become sick easily. There is a nasty strain of strep going around. If you child complains of a sore throat, persistent headache or other symptoms, please keep them home as strep is very contagious. Students who are home sick but strong enough to work can participate via Facetime and can have work sent to them.
Have a lovely week,
Kathy Napier
In this short week, students have more studying than homework.
There is a fair bit of paperwork to come home this week:
information on the DES Anti-Bullying Policy
information given by Agent Vallerand on Cyber-Safety
the December calendar
the Caisse Scolaire, due Wednesday
Scholastic Book Club orders, due December 1st
The homework is light, but students should use their iPad to practice skills... and this can be done on the pedagogical days as well.
Reading - using Newsela and RAZ Kids. Students should also finish and return their home-reading.
Math Calculation - using Reflect and Math Frog - There will be a calculation quiz Wednesday.
Last Friday's test came home today for an error analysis and to be signed by a parent.
Students who received a review lesson today on multiplication should review this as well.
In Social Studies there will be a test next week, completing this module on Quebec circa 1980.
Students should also practice reading their text for the Voices project.
It is the time of year when students become sick easily. There is a nasty strain of strep going around. If you child complains of a sore throat, persistent headache or other symptoms, please keep them home as strep is very contagious. Students who are home sick but strong enough to work can participate via Facetime and can have work sent to them.
Have a lovely week,
Kathy Napier
Monday, November 17, 2014
November 17th - 20th
Hello Families,
This Wednesday is Parents' Night. I look forward to meeting with many of you, and there are still time-slots available for the later part of the evening. If you aren't available Wednesday but would like to meet, please contact me and we will find a time to discuss your child's progress.
This Wednesday after school will also be the time to pick up your fundraising order. As the products are frozen, it is important to come by between 3 and 8, when the items will be in a refrigerated truck in back of the school. Thank you for your participation in this year's fundraising drive.
Thursday is our Field Trip to the Musee des religions in Nicolet. Please remember that your child will need a cold lunch for the day.
Homework this week:
Math- revision of long division, as well as Prime and Composite numbers. A short quiz will be given Friday.
Science - reading in the text Science Tech (pages to come).
Social Studies - beginning of the "Voices" project (need all the permission slips back!), so students will be doing repeated readings and choosing a text with which they would like to work.
ERC - we have begun a project on "Places of Worship." Ask you child about what they are researching and where in the world their topic is situated.
Language Arts - please sign the Response marking rubric that will be coming home in the blue duotang.
* Many students are still not changing their home reading regularly. Please encourage them to read from their novel every night and make it a part of their regular routine. Students who read more learn more vocabulary and do better in all subjects.
Have a wonderful week and see you Wednesday!
Kathy Napier
This Wednesday is Parents' Night. I look forward to meeting with many of you, and there are still time-slots available for the later part of the evening. If you aren't available Wednesday but would like to meet, please contact me and we will find a time to discuss your child's progress.
This Wednesday after school will also be the time to pick up your fundraising order. As the products are frozen, it is important to come by between 3 and 8, when the items will be in a refrigerated truck in back of the school. Thank you for your participation in this year's fundraising drive.
Thursday is our Field Trip to the Musee des religions in Nicolet. Please remember that your child will need a cold lunch for the day.
Homework this week:
Math- revision of long division, as well as Prime and Composite numbers. A short quiz will be given Friday.
Science - reading in the text Science Tech (pages to come).
Social Studies - beginning of the "Voices" project (need all the permission slips back!), so students will be doing repeated readings and choosing a text with which they would like to work.
ERC - we have begun a project on "Places of Worship." Ask you child about what they are researching and where in the world their topic is situated.
Language Arts - please sign the Response marking rubric that will be coming home in the blue duotang.
* Many students are still not changing their home reading regularly. Please encourage them to read from their novel every night and make it a part of their regular routine. Students who read more learn more vocabulary and do better in all subjects.
Have a wonderful week and see you Wednesday!
Kathy Napier
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
November 11th - 14th
Hello Families!
There is a great deal of paperwork right now, so let's start with that:
* Permission Slip for the Field Trip to the Musee des Religions in Nicolet - NOVEMBER 20th
* Permission Slip for the "Voices" Project with LEARN Quebec
* Parents' Night Interview Request Sheet
* Caisse Scolaire due Thursday
* Hot Lunch Form to go home Wednesday
This week we are reviewing and completing different material:
Math - reviewing Prime and Composite numbers, looking at Long Division.
Students should be using the Reflex Math app 3x a week until the green light appears.
Language Arts
Corrections to the "Trick or Treat" reading comprehension work due Thursday
Response to the legend "Ugly Face" also due Thursday (both were assigned last week).
Reading on the RAZ Kids app twice a week, AND reading the novel each student chose to bring home.
Quiz signed and corrected for Friday
We are starting a new unit on Space in Science, and any materials you have to share are much appreciated.
In ERC, we will be starting a team project on 'Places of Worship' next week.
Have a lovely week!
Kathy Napier
There is a great deal of paperwork right now, so let's start with that:
* Permission Slip for the Field Trip to the Musee des Religions in Nicolet - NOVEMBER 20th
* Permission Slip for the "Voices" Project with LEARN Quebec
* Parents' Night Interview Request Sheet
* Caisse Scolaire due Thursday
* Hot Lunch Form to go home Wednesday
This week we are reviewing and completing different material:
Math - reviewing Prime and Composite numbers, looking at Long Division.
Students should be using the Reflex Math app 3x a week until the green light appears.
Language Arts
Corrections to the "Trick or Treat" reading comprehension work due Thursday
Response to the legend "Ugly Face" also due Thursday (both were assigned last week).
Reading on the RAZ Kids app twice a week, AND reading the novel each student chose to bring home.
Quiz signed and corrected for Friday
We are starting a new unit on Space in Science, and any materials you have to share are much appreciated.
In ERC, we will be starting a team project on 'Places of Worship' next week.
Have a lovely week!
Kathy Napier
Monday, November 3, 2014
November 3rd-7th
Hello Families,
Forgive me for the missing posts. Instead of posting, I've been focusing on making sure the students are writing down the assignments in their agendas. End of term is busy, and your child has a lot to keep track of these days.
QUIZ on Prime and Composite numbers, factors and multiples this Thursday. Also, calculation pop quiz coming up!
Homework: pages from JUMP or in the green duotang each night.
RAZ Kids app or Reading A-Z, two books per week.
Reading in the self-chosen novel each night.
Corrections to last week's reading comprehension assignment, given back Tuesday and due Friday.
Text response to the Mohawk legend "Ugly Face" due next Thursday, November 13th, given this Wednesday along with the response to "Knuffle Bunny," to be signed by a parent. Notes for improvement are made on each corrected response and you can use the marking rubric to identify areas of improvement.
Social Studies:
Tests signed and returned this Tuesday.
For Thursday, complete the pages on people important in Quebec society circa 1980.
Mini quiz on what causes lightning, how lightning causes fires, and how to stay safe in an electrical storm.
Paperwork (coming home Tuesday)
Field Trip Permission Form
November Calendar
Permission form for VOICES Project, in association with LEARN Quebec.
Have a great week!
Kathy Napier
Forgive me for the missing posts. Instead of posting, I've been focusing on making sure the students are writing down the assignments in their agendas. End of term is busy, and your child has a lot to keep track of these days.
QUIZ on Prime and Composite numbers, factors and multiples this Thursday. Also, calculation pop quiz coming up!
Homework: pages from JUMP or in the green duotang each night.
RAZ Kids app or Reading A-Z, two books per week.
Reading in the self-chosen novel each night.
Corrections to last week's reading comprehension assignment, given back Tuesday and due Friday.
Text response to the Mohawk legend "Ugly Face" due next Thursday, November 13th, given this Wednesday along with the response to "Knuffle Bunny," to be signed by a parent. Notes for improvement are made on each corrected response and you can use the marking rubric to identify areas of improvement.
Social Studies:
Tests signed and returned this Tuesday.
For Thursday, complete the pages on people important in Quebec society circa 1980.
Mini quiz on what causes lightning, how lightning causes fires, and how to stay safe in an electrical storm.
Paperwork (coming home Tuesday)
Field Trip Permission Form
November Calendar
Permission form for VOICES Project, in association with LEARN Quebec.
Have a great week!
Kathy Napier
Monday, October 13, 2014
October 14th - 17th
Hello Families,
I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend, and a chance to enjoy the beautiful fall weather. A belated Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
This week, being a short week, is light on homework, but there are lessons and practice students should do:
Pages in JUMP and photocopies in the duotang relate to our unit on Prime and Composite Numbers. Students should learn to differentiate the two, find multiples of a number, common multiples, and common factors. The unit will end with the understanding of Prime Factorizations of large numbers.
Students should also be using the Reflex Math app a minimum of 3 times per week (once a week in class).
Social Studies
There will be a short quiz next week on sectors of the Quebec economy around 1980. Students should revise Adventure One, and study class notes, including the in-process questions begun this week.
This week we will have a reading comprehension quiz on a text treated last week in class (a photocopy can be found in your child's purple notebook). Students generated comprehension questions in teams, and these questions will form the basis of the quiz this Friday.
RAZ-Kids, or Reading A to Z: Each student is to complete 2 books at their reading level and 2 quizzes each week. Some students have not logged in for more than 10 days - you will be receiving a note in the agenda if this is your child. This levelled practice provides vocabulary content that is especially important to second-language learners and must not be skipped.
Paperwork and Special Events
Wednesday is the Cross Country Run at AGRHS. Students who are attending need to dress in layers and bring a lunch, snacks and a water bottle. Best of luck to all runners!
Students who are not going on this outing still have school, and arrangements have been made for them to have extra Phys Ed on Wednesday, and they will have lessons with other teachers as I am needed to accompany the runners with Martin.
The Interim Report went home last Friday and needs to be signed and brought back to school.
Scholastic Orders are due this Thursday - students can order with their pocket money, cheques are not necessary.
The Ferme des Voltigeurs Fundraiser is on, and we are counting on your support. Products ordered by October 22nd will be delivered on Parents's Night, November 19th.
Have a lovely week,
Kathy Napier
I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend, and a chance to enjoy the beautiful fall weather. A belated Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
This week, being a short week, is light on homework, but there are lessons and practice students should do:
Pages in JUMP and photocopies in the duotang relate to our unit on Prime and Composite Numbers. Students should learn to differentiate the two, find multiples of a number, common multiples, and common factors. The unit will end with the understanding of Prime Factorizations of large numbers.
Students should also be using the Reflex Math app a minimum of 3 times per week (once a week in class).
Social Studies
There will be a short quiz next week on sectors of the Quebec economy around 1980. Students should revise Adventure One, and study class notes, including the in-process questions begun this week.
This week we will have a reading comprehension quiz on a text treated last week in class (a photocopy can be found in your child's purple notebook). Students generated comprehension questions in teams, and these questions will form the basis of the quiz this Friday.
RAZ-Kids, or Reading A to Z: Each student is to complete 2 books at their reading level and 2 quizzes each week. Some students have not logged in for more than 10 days - you will be receiving a note in the agenda if this is your child. This levelled practice provides vocabulary content that is especially important to second-language learners and must not be skipped.
Paperwork and Special Events
Wednesday is the Cross Country Run at AGRHS. Students who are attending need to dress in layers and bring a lunch, snacks and a water bottle. Best of luck to all runners!
Students who are not going on this outing still have school, and arrangements have been made for them to have extra Phys Ed on Wednesday, and they will have lessons with other teachers as I am needed to accompany the runners with Martin.
The Interim Report went home last Friday and needs to be signed and brought back to school.
Scholastic Orders are due this Thursday - students can order with their pocket money, cheques are not necessary.
The Ferme des Voltigeurs Fundraiser is on, and we are counting on your support. Products ordered by October 22nd will be delivered on Parents's Night, November 19th.
Have a lovely week,
Kathy Napier
Monday, October 6, 2014
October 6th -10th
Hello Families,
This week there are few written assignments, but several reading and data collection assignments. Please ask you child to show you what they have done, please listen to them read from their Social Studies if you can, and please help your child keep you up to date on paperwork and administrative papers that need to come back to school.
This month I have to be absent from the class on several occasions to give and receive training. These opportunities help me bring new ideas to the classroom and improve student learning, and it is necessary for me to have a substitute teacher on these days. Please know that I work to make sure the students have rich learning activities when I am not here, and though I am absent often in October, the days out will be less frequent as the year progresses.
Have a wonderful week,
Kathy Napier
Error Analysis for last week's Numeration Quiz. Parents need to sign the quiz and the corrections.
New Unit: Factors, Multiples, Prime and Composite Numbers
Social Sciences:
Read Adventure 1 for Thursday ( assigned last Thursday)
2 RAZ Kids books and quizzes done for Friday (if you have no Internet connection form home, your child can bring home print A-Z books instead).
Continue to use your ipad to collect photos of different types of clouds
* School Fundraising has begun! Please look for the large Envelope in your youngest child's bag.
* Students going to the Cross-Country Run at AGRHS must bring back the permission form
* Scholastic Orders due October 16th
* Trick-or Treat form for Halloween Collection boxes due back at school as soon as possible
* Christmas Show permission slip to return to school by Friday (external deadline we must respect)
This week there are few written assignments, but several reading and data collection assignments. Please ask you child to show you what they have done, please listen to them read from their Social Studies if you can, and please help your child keep you up to date on paperwork and administrative papers that need to come back to school.
This month I have to be absent from the class on several occasions to give and receive training. These opportunities help me bring new ideas to the classroom and improve student learning, and it is necessary for me to have a substitute teacher on these days. Please know that I work to make sure the students have rich learning activities when I am not here, and though I am absent often in October, the days out will be less frequent as the year progresses.
Have a wonderful week,
Kathy Napier
Error Analysis for last week's Numeration Quiz. Parents need to sign the quiz and the corrections.
New Unit: Factors, Multiples, Prime and Composite Numbers
Social Sciences:
Read Adventure 1 for Thursday ( assigned last Thursday)
2 RAZ Kids books and quizzes done for Friday (if you have no Internet connection form home, your child can bring home print A-Z books instead).
Continue to use your ipad to collect photos of different types of clouds
* School Fundraising has begun! Please look for the large Envelope in your youngest child's bag.
* Students going to the Cross-Country Run at AGRHS must bring back the permission form
* Scholastic Orders due October 16th
* Trick-or Treat form for Halloween Collection boxes due back at school as soon as possible
* Christmas Show permission slip to return to school by Friday (external deadline we must respect)
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
September 29th - October 3rd
Hello Families,
My apologies for posting later in the week this time - technology problems!
This week's homework:
Work in JUMP with dollar and cent notation as well as review of Numeration for a short test late this week.
Note: the colours used for subjects in this post match the colour of the subject duotang for your child.
Revised to Add Information about the Quiz this Friday:
Expanded Form JUMP pages 38-39
Reading and Writing Large Numbers p. 35
Regrouping p. 47-54
Rounding, Estimating, class notes
Ordering and comparing decimals p.40-44
Language Arts:
Preparation for a descriptive writing activity; take a photo of your bedroom with your iPad; download Thinglink
Social Sciences:
Using the Places in Time text, students will complete the accompanying worksheet on the natural resources found in each administrative region of Quebec. This work was begun in class. Due Thursday.
Practice the lines for your Greek Myth Radio Play. Use Garageband on the iPad to record yourself and work on your expression and fluency.
*A revised copy of the Standards and Proceedures was sent home Tuesday
*A school newsletter was sent home with the youngest of each family, also on Tuesday
*Please sign and return the Highlights and Owl forms (these forms give our class magazine subscriptions, even when no parents place orders).
*Scholastic Book clubs will come home this week. Families can place orders with cash as well as by cheque.
Have a wonderful week!
Kathy Napier
My apologies for posting later in the week this time - technology problems!
This week's homework:
Work in JUMP with dollar and cent notation as well as review of Numeration for a short test late this week.
Note: the colours used for subjects in this post match the colour of the subject duotang for your child.
Revised to Add Information about the Quiz this Friday:
Expanded Form JUMP pages 38-39
Reading and Writing Large Numbers p. 35
Regrouping p. 47-54
Rounding, Estimating, class notes
Ordering and comparing decimals p.40-44
Language Arts:
Preparation for a descriptive writing activity; take a photo of your bedroom with your iPad; download Thinglink
Social Sciences:
Using the Places in Time text, students will complete the accompanying worksheet on the natural resources found in each administrative region of Quebec. This work was begun in class. Due Thursday.
Practice the lines for your Greek Myth Radio Play. Use Garageband on the iPad to record yourself and work on your expression and fluency.
*A revised copy of the Standards and Proceedures was sent home Tuesday
*A school newsletter was sent home with the youngest of each family, also on Tuesday
*Please sign and return the Highlights and Owl forms (these forms give our class magazine subscriptions, even when no parents place orders).
*Scholastic Book clubs will come home this week. Families can place orders with cash as well as by cheque.
Have a wonderful week!
Kathy Napier
Monday, September 22, 2014
September 22nd-25th
Hello Families,
Please remember that this Friday is a Pedagogical Day.
* consent to photograph form to be signed and returned to school
* slip from the government of Quebec about adolescents
* school photo orders should be sent back as soon as possible
Reviewing of subtraction, pages in JUMP math 6.1 every night
Corrections to Poetry Response answers and Ebola reading comprehension due Thursday
Have a wonderful week!
Please remember that this Friday is a Pedagogical Day.
* consent to photograph form to be signed and returned to school
* slip from the government of Quebec about adolescents
* school photo orders should be sent back as soon as possible
Reviewing of subtraction, pages in JUMP math 6.1 every night
Corrections to Poetry Response answers and Ebola reading comprehension due Thursday
Have a wonderful week!
Monday, September 15, 2014
The Week of September 15th
Hello Families,
The iPads were sent home today with a list of apps that need to be downloaded. Doing this from home will save us learning time in the classroom. If you cannot download at home, please let me know and we will download at school.
Please make sure the iPad comes to school every day charged. The charger should stay home or in the student's backpack.
Homework this week:
Math: JUMP pages each night on Numeration (mainly review)
Social Sciences: please read pages 4-7 in the text Places in Time (this represents three short paragraphs)
Language Arts: Reading Comprehension text "Ebola: Battling a deadly virus." Questions are due Friday
Communications home:
- a first list of FREE apps to be installed, sent home Monday
- Parent letter about iPad use, to be sent home Tuesday
- login information for specific apps will be sent later in the week
Please use this link
to join the class Remind account
Have a wonderful week,
Kathy Napier
The iPads were sent home today with a list of apps that need to be downloaded. Doing this from home will save us learning time in the classroom. If you cannot download at home, please let me know and we will download at school.
Please make sure the iPad comes to school every day charged. The charger should stay home or in the student's backpack.
Homework this week:
Math: JUMP pages each night on Numeration (mainly review)
Social Sciences: please read pages 4-7 in the text Places in Time (this represents three short paragraphs)
Language Arts: Reading Comprehension text "Ebola: Battling a deadly virus." Questions are due Friday
Communications home:
- a first list of FREE apps to be installed, sent home Monday
- Parent letter about iPad use, to be sent home Tuesday
- login information for specific apps will be sent later in the week
Please use this link
to join the class Remind account
Have a wonderful week,
Kathy Napier
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Meet the Teacher Night: Thursday, September 11th
Hello Parents,
If you are interested in receiving emails updating you on the week's homework, paperwork, and special events, please use the toolbar on the left to subscribe to this page.
While students will continue to update their agendas, this blog can provide information when students are absent or they haven't time to copy down the homework from the board.
If you have questions about an assignment, please contact me directly, through the blog or by email, and not in the comment section below, which I may not see in time for it to be helpful to you.
For more information on my homework policy, please check the tab above.
Wishing you a productive school year,
Kathy Napier
If you are interested in receiving emails updating you on the week's homework, paperwork, and special events, please use the toolbar on the left to subscribe to this page.
While students will continue to update their agendas, this blog can provide information when students are absent or they haven't time to copy down the homework from the board.
If you have questions about an assignment, please contact me directly, through the blog or by email, and not in the comment section below, which I may not see in time for it to be helpful to you.
For more information on my homework policy, please check the tab above.
Wishing you a productive school year,
Kathy Napier
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
September 3rd, 2014
Welcome back, Families,
As the school year begins I will be communicating with you through this blog, the class blog, and through newsletters you will find in your child's agenda.
On this page you can find information about current assignments and important dates. You can subscribe to the page in the sidebar on the left, and new posts will appear in your email inbox.
Please note that the Meet the Teacher Night will be next Thursday, September 11th. A newsletter will be sent home from the office shortly.
This week:
There is a great deal of paperwork coming home. Thank you for making time to look through it all and to note important dates.
Students will have small amount of math homework this week, due always the day after it is assigned.
Please pay special attention to the iPad paperwork, and if you can make time to create an Apple ID for your child (following the instructions on the paper sent home Wednesday) it would be much appreciated.
For Friday, if your child could bring in old magazines for a class art project, it would be much appreciated.
Thank you so much, and please don't hestitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Warm regards,
Kathy Napier
As the school year begins I will be communicating with you through this blog, the class blog, and through newsletters you will find in your child's agenda.
On this page you can find information about current assignments and important dates. You can subscribe to the page in the sidebar on the left, and new posts will appear in your email inbox.
Please note that the Meet the Teacher Night will be next Thursday, September 11th. A newsletter will be sent home from the office shortly.
This week:
There is a great deal of paperwork coming home. Thank you for making time to look through it all and to note important dates.
Students will have small amount of math homework this week, due always the day after it is assigned.
Please pay special attention to the iPad paperwork, and if you can make time to create an Apple ID for your child (following the instructions on the paper sent home Wednesday) it would be much appreciated.
For Friday, if your child could bring in old magazines for a class art project, it would be much appreciated.
Thank you so much, and please don't hestitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Warm regards,
Kathy Napier
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
May 20th- 23rd
Hello Families,
Homework is slowing down as students are working hard in a hot classroom all day.
Water bottles are encouraged, the classroom can be very warm.
Math: Revision for the MELS exam, please review concepts in the homework assigned each night.
ELA: finish home-reading book and complete Lit Circle reading.
Social Science: Quiz on Democracy and systems and government this Friday
Permission form for the end-of-year trip to Quebec
MELS consent form for the collection of student work
Last Caisse Scolaire deposit of the year due Thursday
Pizzathon at Pizza Hut May 28th: tickets to support Relay for Life on sale at school
Have a wonderful week!
Homework is slowing down as students are working hard in a hot classroom all day.
Water bottles are encouraged, the classroom can be very warm.
Math: Revision for the MELS exam, please review concepts in the homework assigned each night.
ELA: finish home-reading book and complete Lit Circle reading.
Social Science: Quiz on Democracy and systems and government this Friday
Permission form for the end-of-year trip to Quebec
MELS consent form for the collection of student work
Last Caisse Scolaire deposit of the year due Thursday
Pizzathon at Pizza Hut May 28th: tickets to support Relay for Life on sale at school
Have a wonderful week!
Monday, May 12, 2014
May 12th-16th
Hello Families,
This week there will be little homework, but there will be daily revision as we prepare for next week's math exams. Students should review notes and the concepts I direct them to in class.
We will begin the ELA exam this week, and it will continue next week as well.
Please keep in mind that this revision is important, so attendance is a good idea!
Dates to remember:
June 3 - Field Games Day
June 12th- Trip to Quebec City, permission slip going home this week.
June 18th - Graduation in the afternoon
Have a wonderful week!
This week there will be little homework, but there will be daily revision as we prepare for next week's math exams. Students should review notes and the concepts I direct them to in class.
We will begin the ELA exam this week, and it will continue next week as well.
Please keep in mind that this revision is important, so attendance is a good idea!
Dates to remember:
June 3 - Field Games Day
June 12th- Trip to Quebec City, permission slip going home this week.
June 18th - Graduation in the afternoon
Have a wonderful week!
Monday, April 28, 2014
April 28th- May 2nd
Hello Families!
After two short weeks, we are back to our routine and have an interesting week ahead.
Please remember your permission slip for Thursday's Fun Walk/Run and visit to RRHS.
Please cancel hot lunches, and dress for the weather!
Math: revision of concepts previously learned and mixed homework, please remember to use the Reflex website 3 times a week to practice calculation skills and increase speed.
Language Arts:
RAZ-Kids: leveled reading practice
Lit Circle: read to keep up with your group!
Home-reading: to be changed this week, so finish up those novels... or bring them to show me your progress.
Social Science: reviewing the 'keys to democracy' and exploring other forms of government, some reading in the text may be assigned (depending on our progress in class).
Have a wonderful week!
Ms Napier
After two short weeks, we are back to our routine and have an interesting week ahead.
Please remember your permission slip for Thursday's Fun Walk/Run and visit to RRHS.
Please cancel hot lunches, and dress for the weather!
Math: revision of concepts previously learned and mixed homework, please remember to use the Reflex website 3 times a week to practice calculation skills and increase speed.
Language Arts:
RAZ-Kids: leveled reading practice
Lit Circle: read to keep up with your group!
Home-reading: to be changed this week, so finish up those novels... or bring them to show me your progress.
Social Science: reviewing the 'keys to democracy' and exploring other forms of government, some reading in the text may be assigned (depending on our progress in class).
Have a wonderful week!
Ms Napier
Monday, March 31, 2014
Last week before the Elections!
Hello Families,
This week we continue our study of democracy and the electoral process, and this Friday students will participate in a mock vote.
In order to learn more about the candidates and the party platforms, I am asking students to bring in elections materials, newspaper articles, and (if possible) photos of the billboards and signs in their neighborhoods.
In math, we will be continuing our study of geometry, using more complicated situations to practice calculations and sharpen our logic skills.
Please remember that Monday, April 7th is a Ped Day, and that next Thursday students will be visiting the Lennoxville Vocational Training Center.
Have a lovely week,
Kathy Napier
This week we continue our study of democracy and the electoral process, and this Friday students will participate in a mock vote.
In order to learn more about the candidates and the party platforms, I am asking students to bring in elections materials, newspaper articles, and (if possible) photos of the billboards and signs in their neighborhoods.
In math, we will be continuing our study of geometry, using more complicated situations to practice calculations and sharpen our logic skills.
Please remember that Monday, April 7th is a Ped Day, and that next Thursday students will be visiting the Lennoxville Vocational Training Center.
Have a lovely week,
Kathy Napier
Monday, March 24, 2014
March 24th- 28th
Hello Families,
A few big events and opportunties this week:
Portfolio Night Thursday: appointment times were sent home last Friday, and the students and I are looking forward to seeing you!
Bake Sale/Afterschool cooking: A parent has volunteered to supervise after-school baking for a sale to take place during Portfolio Night. A permission slip was sent home today, please send it back right away if your child is interested and can attend.
Caisse Scolaire: Deposits are due Wednsesday
Math: Continuing our unit or Geometry, we will have a short quiz Wednesday and will be working with situations involving area and perimeter all week. Please continue to encourage your child to practice 3 times a week on the Reflex website.
Social Studies: Pages 18-21 in the text are assigned for Thursday, and students are asked to follow the coming elections in the news.
Homereading: novels and A-Z books should come to school regularly, and work on the RAZ Kids site is strongly encouraged.
The following video is a TED talk about the importance of student motivation. I strongly encourage you to take the time to watch - I have tried to embed it with French subtitles so that all families have access to the content.
Have a wonderful week!
Kathy Napier
A few big events and opportunties this week:
Portfolio Night Thursday: appointment times were sent home last Friday, and the students and I are looking forward to seeing you!
Bake Sale/Afterschool cooking: A parent has volunteered to supervise after-school baking for a sale to take place during Portfolio Night. A permission slip was sent home today, please send it back right away if your child is interested and can attend.
Caisse Scolaire: Deposits are due Wednsesday
Math: Continuing our unit or Geometry, we will have a short quiz Wednesday and will be working with situations involving area and perimeter all week. Please continue to encourage your child to practice 3 times a week on the Reflex website.
Social Studies: Pages 18-21 in the text are assigned for Thursday, and students are asked to follow the coming elections in the news.
Homereading: novels and A-Z books should come to school regularly, and work on the RAZ Kids site is strongly encouraged.
The following video is a TED talk about the importance of student motivation. I strongly encourage you to take the time to watch - I have tried to embed it with French subtitles so that all families have access to the content.
Have a wonderful week!
Kathy Napier
Monday, March 17, 2014
March 17th - 21st
Hello Families,
This week we continue with our study of geometry and will be learning about formula related to triangles, quadrilaterals and circles. As these calculations are new or contain new elements, it is more important than ever that students have their multiplication facts memorized. Knowing these facts by heart allows students to focus on the complexities of the formulae and how these are used in context. Please have your child use the Reflex Math website three times a week for about 10 minutes each time.
Given the upcoming elections, I have chosen to postpone our unit on the Inuit and Mic Mac and move forward the last Social Studies unit of grade six, Democracy. We will be learning about systems of government and studying democratic and non-democratic societies, as well as learning about the issues surrounding this provincial election. You can help us by sending in any day-old newspapers you receive at home (English or French) that contains articles about the elections.
Along with this unit we will be studying "Obstacles to Dialogue" in Ethics and Religious Culture. This unit is an introduction to argumentative fallacies and begins to develop understanding of how arguments can be evaluated and deconstructed. The media surrounding the elections may give us good examples!
In Music Appreciation, we will soon be starting a unit on Jazz. Always a fun unit, students will become familiar with different styles and a few significant artists, as well as learn new vocabulary related to this style of music.
As always, it is truly appreciated when families support their child's learning at home. Looking over assignments, asking questions and sharing your knowledge and understanding are important to help your child see that their education is important to you.
Thank you, and have a lovely week,
Kathy Napier
Language Arts: Homereading and A-Z Reading, the RAZ Kids app is encouraged.
Social Studies: Places in Time p. 13-17, and the accompanying sheet, p. 52.
Paperwork: Portfolio Night paper, signed and returned.
Scholastic Due: April 1st
This week we continue with our study of geometry and will be learning about formula related to triangles, quadrilaterals and circles. As these calculations are new or contain new elements, it is more important than ever that students have their multiplication facts memorized. Knowing these facts by heart allows students to focus on the complexities of the formulae and how these are used in context. Please have your child use the Reflex Math website three times a week for about 10 minutes each time.
Given the upcoming elections, I have chosen to postpone our unit on the Inuit and Mic Mac and move forward the last Social Studies unit of grade six, Democracy. We will be learning about systems of government and studying democratic and non-democratic societies, as well as learning about the issues surrounding this provincial election. You can help us by sending in any day-old newspapers you receive at home (English or French) that contains articles about the elections.
Along with this unit we will be studying "Obstacles to Dialogue" in Ethics and Religious Culture. This unit is an introduction to argumentative fallacies and begins to develop understanding of how arguments can be evaluated and deconstructed. The media surrounding the elections may give us good examples!
In Music Appreciation, we will soon be starting a unit on Jazz. Always a fun unit, students will become familiar with different styles and a few significant artists, as well as learn new vocabulary related to this style of music.
As always, it is truly appreciated when families support their child's learning at home. Looking over assignments, asking questions and sharing your knowledge and understanding are important to help your child see that their education is important to you.
Thank you, and have a lovely week,
Kathy Napier
Math: work with different formula in geometry, pages in green Math Duotang.Language Arts: Homereading and A-Z Reading, the RAZ Kids app is encouraged.
Social Studies: Places in Time p. 13-17, and the accompanying sheet, p. 52.
Paperwork: Portfolio Night paper, signed and returned.
Scholastic Due: April 1st
Monday, February 24, 2014
February 24th-February 28th
Last week before Spring Break, and a big week for us all!
*CSSS Nurses visit to complete the puberty lectures this Monday afternoon
*Bus Safety presentation on Tuesday morning
*Basketball Tournament at ADS on Wednesday, all day
*Hawaiian Day on Friday
*Geordie Productions traveling dramatic production "Derwent is Different" presented on Friday
This week we continue our work with geometry, reviewing concepts from cycle 2 and last year.
Pages will be assigned in JUMP math and work will be done on the ipad as well.
Tonight, please put your questions about geometry on the wall using this link:
ELA/Social science
Please sign and return the test given back last week.
Our new unit on the modern lives of the Inuit and Mic Mac will begin this week. Students will receive their new text Tuesday and will be asked to read Adventure 1.
Homereading books should be changed so students have a fresh novel to read during the break.
Have a wonderful week, and I hope that you can enjoy time together during March Break.
Kathy Napier
*CSSS Nurses visit to complete the puberty lectures this Monday afternoon
*Bus Safety presentation on Tuesday morning
*Basketball Tournament at ADS on Wednesday, all day
*Hawaiian Day on Friday
*Geordie Productions traveling dramatic production "Derwent is Different" presented on Friday
This week we continue our work with geometry, reviewing concepts from cycle 2 and last year.
Pages will be assigned in JUMP math and work will be done on the ipad as well.
Tonight, please put your questions about geometry on the wall using this link:
ELA/Social science
Please sign and return the test given back last week.
Our new unit on the modern lives of the Inuit and Mic Mac will begin this week. Students will receive their new text Tuesday and will be asked to read Adventure 1.
Homereading books should be changed so students have a fresh novel to read during the break.
Have a wonderful week, and I hope that you can enjoy time together during March Break.
Kathy Napier
Monday, February 17, 2014
February 17th-21st
Hello Families,
This week students have homework in our new unit, Geometry, and in Language Arts.
The language arts assignment is described below.
Additionally, it is strongly recommended that students use Reflex and RAZ Kids to practice their fluency and comprehension.
Have a wonderful week!
Kathy Napier
Language Arts
Thinglink due to be posted to the students' Kidblog account for Wednesday
Poplet Vocabulary work: using Popplet, students will make a concpet web using vocabulary relating to a room in their home. This web will be shared and used for a writing assignment later in the week. Due Wednesday.
Using the Sochi 2014 app, newspapers and/or television, write a text on Pages talking about an Olympic story that illustrates an Olympic Value. Add photos (with credit) as well as the sources of your information.
The Olympic Values are Leadership, Fairness, Human Development, Excellent, Respect, Fun, and Peace. Students have until Friday to complete this assignment, and additional time and instruction will be given in class.
This week students have homework in our new unit, Geometry, and in Language Arts.
The language arts assignment is described below.
Additionally, it is strongly recommended that students use Reflex and RAZ Kids to practice their fluency and comprehension.
Have a wonderful week!
Kathy Napier
Language Arts
Thinglink due to be posted to the students' Kidblog account for Wednesday
Poplet Vocabulary work: using Popplet, students will make a concpet web using vocabulary relating to a room in their home. This web will be shared and used for a writing assignment later in the week. Due Wednesday.
Using the Sochi 2014 app, newspapers and/or television, write a text on Pages talking about an Olympic story that illustrates an Olympic Value. Add photos (with credit) as well as the sources of your information.
The Olympic Values are Leadership, Fairness, Human Development, Excellent, Respect, Fun, and Peace. Students have until Friday to complete this assignment, and additional time and instruction will be given in class.
Monday, February 3, 2014
February 3rd-6th
Hello Families,
This week is short and busy, and as a result there is none of the usual homework. Students can and should read daily, and I ask that they use the Reflex Math site three times this week.
Students should study their Social Sciences for a quiz coming soon on Quebec circa 1980. The material covered is mainly in Adventure 1, though students should study class notes for topics discussed but not covered in the text.
Special events this week:
Wednesday: Science Fair from 9:15 to 11:25, parents are welcome to come and see the exhibits
Thursday: Plaisirs d'hiver
Friday: Pedagogical Day
Have a wonderful week!
Kathy Napier
This week is short and busy, and as a result there is none of the usual homework. Students can and should read daily, and I ask that they use the Reflex Math site three times this week.
Students should study their Social Sciences for a quiz coming soon on Quebec circa 1980. The material covered is mainly in Adventure 1, though students should study class notes for topics discussed but not covered in the text.
Special events this week:
Wednesday: Science Fair from 9:15 to 11:25, parents are welcome to come and see the exhibits
Thursday: Plaisirs d'hiver
Friday: Pedagogical Day
Have a wonderful week!
Kathy Napier
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
January 27th-31st
Hello Families,
As the end of term is approaching, students should be preparing for end-of-unit tests in Math and Social Science.
This week there is homework students will need the ipad to complete.
Math: pages in JUMP math each night, test at the end of the week. Please sign the application word problems in your child's green duotang.
1) Vocabulary assignment using Pic Collage, due Friday. Please find the assignment sheet in the blue duotang.
2) Dramatic Reading homework, recorded and compiled with the student's choice of app. The assignment and evaluation sheet is in the same blue duotang, photocopied on a blue paper ,due Thursday (assigned last Friday)
3) Please sign your child's December Reading Graph and their reflection sheet. Please consider discussing this data with them.
Registration forms came home today (Tuesday). Please complete the form as soon ans possible, or the yellow sheet if your child is not continuing on to RRHS.
Plaisirs d'Hiver permission slips will go home tomorrow.
Scholastic Orders due at the end of the week.
Kathy Napier
As the end of term is approaching, students should be preparing for end-of-unit tests in Math and Social Science.
This week there is homework students will need the ipad to complete.
Math: pages in JUMP math each night, test at the end of the week. Please sign the application word problems in your child's green duotang.
1) Vocabulary assignment using Pic Collage, due Friday. Please find the assignment sheet in the blue duotang.
2) Dramatic Reading homework, recorded and compiled with the student's choice of app. The assignment and evaluation sheet is in the same blue duotang, photocopied on a blue paper ,due Thursday (assigned last Friday)
3) Please sign your child's December Reading Graph and their reflection sheet. Please consider discussing this data with them.
Registration forms came home today (Tuesday). Please complete the form as soon ans possible, or the yellow sheet if your child is not continuing on to RRHS.
Plaisirs d'Hiver permission slips will go home tomorrow.
Scholastic Orders due at the end of the week.
Kathy Napier
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
January 20th-24th
Hello Families,
This week there are several assignments on the go:
Language Arts: Response assigned last week is due Friday
Reading Comprehension work begun in class and assigned Monday is also due Friday.
Social Studies: Reading and sheets in the orange duotang and Places in Time.
Math: working on tying together different concepts and ideas, we are doing many word problems and sample questions from past MELS exams. Please sign the corrected work your child brings home and supervise the completion of work in JUMP math.
Have a wonderful week!
Kathy Napier
This week there are several assignments on the go:
Language Arts: Response assigned last week is due Friday
Reading Comprehension work begun in class and assigned Monday is also due Friday.
Social Studies: Reading and sheets in the orange duotang and Places in Time.
Math: working on tying together different concepts and ideas, we are doing many word problems and sample questions from past MELS exams. Please sign the corrected work your child brings home and supervise the completion of work in JUMP math.
Have a wonderful week!
Kathy Napier
Monday, January 13, 2014
January 13th-17th
Hello Families,
I am very pleased to share with you that the students are making good progress overall, and particularly good progress in their writing and reading skills. The texts written are longer, control of grammar and spelling are improving, and the content is more logical and better organized. Hard work is paying off! Please take the time to look over your child's work and encourage them to maintain a solid effort.
This week's homework:
Math: Pages in JUMP Math and work with problem solving. Summative evaluation coming soon, students can expect it to cover concepts seen up to now.
Social Sciences: Page 67 in the duotang and corresponding work in Places and Time.
Language Arts: The last response handed in will come home to be signed, and there will be an exemplar from last year's exam with it so students and parents can see what the expectations are for this type of assignment.
RAZ-Kids: thank you to those of you who returned the paper. You can check your child's progress with the log-in information sent to the email address you provided. Please share what you see with your child and discuss their strengths and weaknesses with them.
This week I also have a few events to share, all of which are taking place at RRHS.
I am very pleased to share with you that the students are making good progress overall, and particularly good progress in their writing and reading skills. The texts written are longer, control of grammar and spelling are improving, and the content is more logical and better organized. Hard work is paying off! Please take the time to look over your child's work and encourage them to maintain a solid effort.
This week's homework:
Math: Pages in JUMP Math and work with problem solving. Summative evaluation coming soon, students can expect it to cover concepts seen up to now.
Social Sciences: Page 67 in the duotang and corresponding work in Places and Time.
Language Arts: The last response handed in will come home to be signed, and there will be an exemplar from last year's exam with it so students and parents can see what the expectations are for this type of assignment.
RAZ-Kids: thank you to those of you who returned the paper. You can check your child's progress with the log-in information sent to the email address you provided. Please share what you see with your child and discuss their strengths and weaknesses with them.
This week I also have a few events to share, all of which are taking place at RRHS.
in Peace or Homework Police?" presented via videoconference by the CLC
Network in partnership with OMETZ on January 15, from 7pm - 8:30pm.
This presentation raises the issue of what parents
need to know about homework and strategies to use to make homework a
more pleasant experience for children and parents. The social, emotional
and cognitive development of children is summarized to form a basis for
this discussion. Risk and protective factors
are covered in light of their importance for raising a resilient child.
Homework is presented in the context of enhancing self-reliance in
children. Admission is by donation ($2 suggested).
Movie Nights at RRHS, presented in partnership with Ville de Richmond.
All funds raised support local school and community groups. Coming up
Jan 10 : Les Schtroumphfs 2 (presented in French)
Jan 31: Detestable Moi 2 (presented in French)
Feb 21: Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (presented in English)
Please visit www.facebook.com/richmondmovies for the complete schedule.
All welcome! Doors open at 6:30pm, movie starts at 7pm. Tickets: $3
in February! A FREE program for parents or caregivers with children aged
0 to 3, "Mother Goose" is specifically structured to provide
parent-child interaction, language acquisition and development
and socialization. Professionally-trained animators model oral
traditions of interactive rhymes, songs and storytelling complimented by
structured play and movement. 15-week session begins on Friday,
February 14, 10am – 10:45am. For more information, please
contact: richmondclc@etsb.qc.ca
Reserve your spots by contacting
richmondclc@etsb.qc.ca or 819-826-3702 ext. 24026
Homework in Peace or Homework Police?
Presented by the CLC network in partnership with OMETZ
Jan 15 | 7pm - 8:30pm
COST: $2 suggested donation
Let’s Talk About Alzheimer’s Disease!
Presented in partnership with Townshippers' Association
Jan 22 | 10am - 12pm
COST: Free
Everything you wanted to know about Schizophrenia
Presented in partnership with Ami Quebec
Jan 29 | 7pm - 9pm
COST: $2 suggested donation
Making use of genomics and reproduction management
Presented by the Quebec Farmers' Association
Jan 30 | 7pm - 9pm
COST: Free for QFA members, $5 for non-members
Have a wonderful week!
Kathy Napier
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
January 7th - January 10th
Hello Families,
Please let me take this opportunity to wish you and your family a Happy New Year. I hope that for each of you, 2014 brings good health and much happiness.
Ask we get back into the routine, you can expect a slight increase in assignments that are due from week to week. This is done to help students learn to manage their time and workload as they will be expected to in high school, though you can expect this to happen with more reminders and closer follow-up than they will enjoy next year. Students need to bring their agendas daily, and you can check this blog page to find details about assignments and due dates.
This week:
Math: JUMP pages continuing our work on Fractions, while in class we work on word problems similar to what we can expect on the May Ministry exams. Please expect 1 page per night.
Some students are still struggling with their multiplication facts. Regular practice on the Reflex Math website is a great help in developing fluency and speed. These skills are essential to the students further progress in math, please supervise Reflex practice 3 times a week, for approximately 10 minutes each time.
English: Reading Comprehension packet on the late Nelson Mandela due Friday.
A letter also went home today giving you information about a leveled reading website we use to help build comprehension, vocabulary knowledge and other reading skills. On this website, the books unlocked for your child are adjusted according to their reading level and there are comprehension questions at the end to help them learn to retain what they read. You can access your child's progress with this information. Please sign and return the bottom of the page to let me know you received it.
Media/Drama assignment using the iPads will be discussed in class, and assessment sheet given, before students are expected to complete the video recording of their book. The assignment due date will be set after we troublshoot the process in class.
Social Sciences: Resuming our work on Adventure 1 and beginning Adventure 2 on Places in Time, will be assigned and due next Tuesday. We will be continuing our study of major changes to Quebec life between 1905 and 1980.
Paperwork and general housekeeping:
*Caisse Scolaire due Thursday
*Wednesday, January 8th follows a Monday Schedule (bring things for Phys. Ed and Science).
Have a wonderful week!
Kathy Napier
Please let me take this opportunity to wish you and your family a Happy New Year. I hope that for each of you, 2014 brings good health and much happiness.
Ask we get back into the routine, you can expect a slight increase in assignments that are due from week to week. This is done to help students learn to manage their time and workload as they will be expected to in high school, though you can expect this to happen with more reminders and closer follow-up than they will enjoy next year. Students need to bring their agendas daily, and you can check this blog page to find details about assignments and due dates.
This week:
Math: JUMP pages continuing our work on Fractions, while in class we work on word problems similar to what we can expect on the May Ministry exams. Please expect 1 page per night.
Some students are still struggling with their multiplication facts. Regular practice on the Reflex Math website is a great help in developing fluency and speed. These skills are essential to the students further progress in math, please supervise Reflex practice 3 times a week, for approximately 10 minutes each time.
English: Reading Comprehension packet on the late Nelson Mandela due Friday.
A letter also went home today giving you information about a leveled reading website we use to help build comprehension, vocabulary knowledge and other reading skills. On this website, the books unlocked for your child are adjusted according to their reading level and there are comprehension questions at the end to help them learn to retain what they read. You can access your child's progress with this information. Please sign and return the bottom of the page to let me know you received it.
Media/Drama assignment using the iPads will be discussed in class, and assessment sheet given, before students are expected to complete the video recording of their book. The assignment due date will be set after we troublshoot the process in class.
Social Sciences: Resuming our work on Adventure 1 and beginning Adventure 2 on Places in Time, will be assigned and due next Tuesday. We will be continuing our study of major changes to Quebec life between 1905 and 1980.
Paperwork and general housekeeping:
*Caisse Scolaire due Thursday
*Wednesday, January 8th follows a Monday Schedule (bring things for Phys. Ed and Science).
Have a wonderful week!
Kathy Napier
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